[Unit] Description=RhinoReminds XMPP Bot After=network.target prosody.service # No more than 5 crashes in 12 hours StartLimitIntervalSec=43200 StartLimitBurst=5 [Service] Type=forking PIDFile=/run/rhinoreminds/rhinoreminds.pid # We change our own user User=root WorkingDirectory=/srv/kraggwapple ExecStart=/srv/kraggwapple/start_service.sh Restart=always # Other Restart options: or always, on-abort, etc # Delay restarts by 60 seconds RestartSec=60 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target [Unit] Description=Kraggwapple XMPP Bot After=network.target prosody.service # No more than 5 crashes in 12 hours StartLimitIntervalSec=43200 StartLimitBurst=5 [Service] Type=forking PIDFile=/run/kraggwapple.pid # We change our own user User=root WorkingDirectory=/srv/kraggwapple ExecStart=/srv/kraggwapple/start_service.sh Restart=on-failure # Other Restart options: or always, on-abort, etc # Delay restarts by 60 seconds RestartSec=60 # If you want logs to be kept automatically in /var/log, uncomment the following & copy "rhinoreminds-rsyslog.conf" in the root of this repository to "/etc/rsyslog.d" - and then do `sudo systemctl restart rsyslog.d` #StandardOutput=syslog #StandardError=syslog #SyslogIdentifier=rhinoreminds [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target