using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Xml; using S22.Xmpp; namespace RhinoReminds { public delegate void OnReminderListUpdateHandler(object sender, Reminder newReminder); public class ReminderList { private int nextId = 0; private readonly object saveLock = new object(); public SortedList Reminders = new SortedList(); public event OnReminderListUpdateHandler OnReminderListUpdate; public ReminderList() { } public Reminder CreateReminder(Jid inJid, DateTime time, string message) { Reminder result = new Reminder(nextId++, $"{inJid.Node}@{inJid.Domain}", time, message); Console.WriteLine($"[Rhino/ReminderList] Created reminder {result}"); while (Reminders.ContainsKey(time)) { Console.WriteLine($"[Rhino/ReminderList] Reminder list contained {time}, adding 1ms"); time = time.AddMilliseconds(1); } Reminders.Add(time, result); OnReminderListUpdate(this, result); return result; } public Reminder GetNextReminder() { if (Reminders.Count == 0) return null; return Reminders.Values[0]; } public void DeleteReminder(Reminder nextReminder) { Reminders.Remove(nextReminder.Time); } #region Persistence public void Save(string filename) { // Make sure that the reminder thread doesn't try to save the reminders at the exact same time // we receive a request for a new reminder lock (saveLock) { // FUTURE: We could go lockless here with some work, but it's not worth it for the teeny chance & low overhead XmlWriter xml = XmlWriter.Create( filename, new XmlWriterSettings() { Indent = true } ); xml.WriteStartDocument(); xml.WriteStartElement("ReminderList"); xml.WriteElementString("NextId", nextId.ToString()); xml.WriteStartElement("Reminders"); foreach (Reminder nextReminder in Reminders.Values) nextReminder.WriteToXml(xml); xml.WriteEndElement(); xml.WriteEndElement(); xml.WriteEndDocument(); xml.Close(); } } public static ReminderList FromXmlFile(string filepath) { XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.Load(filepath); ReminderList result = new ReminderList(); result.nextId = int.Parse(xml.GetElementsByTagName("NextId")[0].InnerText); foreach (XmlNode reminderXML in xml.GetElementsByTagName("Reminders")[0].ChildNodes) { Reminder nextReminder = Reminder.FromXml(reminderXML); DateTime timeKey = nextReminder.Time; while (result.Reminders.ContainsKey(timeKey)) timeKey = timeKey.AddMilliseconds(1); result.Reminders.Add(timeKey, nextReminder); } return result; } #endregion } }