using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Microsoft.Recognizers.Text; using Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.DateTime; using SBRL.Geometry; namespace RhinoReminds { public static class AIRecogniser { public static (DateTime, TimeSpan) RecogniseDateTimeRange(string source, out string rawString) { List aiResults = DateTimeRecognizer.RecognizeDateTime(source, Culture.English); if (aiResults.Count == 0) throw new AIException("Error: Couldn't recognise any time ranges in that source string."); /* Example contents of the below dictionary: [0]: {[timex, 2018-11-11T06:15]} [1]: {[type, datetime]} [2]: {[value, 2018-11-11 06:15:00]} */ rawString = aiResults[0].Text; Dictionary aiResult = unwindResult(aiResults[0]); foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in aiResult) Console.WriteLine($"{kvp.Key}: {kvp.Value}"); string type = aiResult["type"]; if (type != "datetimerange") throw new AIException($"Error: An invalid type of {type} was encountered ('datetimerange' expected)."); return ( DateTime.Parse(aiResult["start"]), DateTime.Parse(aiResult["end"]) - DateTime.Parse(aiResult["start"]) ); } public static DateTime RecogniseDateTime(string source, out string rawString) { List aiResults = DateTimeRecognizer.RecognizeDateTime(source, Culture.English); if (aiResults.Count == 0) throw new AIException("Error: Couldn't recognise any dates or times in that source string."); /* Example contents of the below dictionary: [0]: {[timex, 2018-11-11T06:15]} [1]: {[type, datetime]} [2]: {[value, 2018-11-11 06:15:00]} */ rawString = aiResults[0].Text; Dictionary aiResult = unwindResult(aiResults[0]); string type = aiResult["type"]; if (!(new string[] { "datetime", "date", "time", "datetimerange", "daterange", "timerange" }).Contains(type)) throw new AIException($"Error: An invalid type of {type} was encountered ('datetime' expected)."); string result = Regex.IsMatch(type, @"range$") ? aiResult["start"] : aiResult["value"]; return DateTime.Parse(result); } private static Dictionary unwindResult(ModelResult modelResult) { return (modelResult.Resolution["values"] as List>)[0]; } } }