"use strict"; class HillSet { constructor(inSize, inHeightRange, inColour) { if(typeof inSize != "object") inSize = new Vector(2048, 500); if(typeof inHeightRange != "number") inHeightRange = 0.4; if(typeof inColour != "string") inColour = "green"; this.pos = new Vector(0, 0); this.startPos = this.pos.clone(); this.size = inSize; this.colour = inColour; this.speed = 300; // in pixels per second this.heightRangeMultiplier = inHeightRange; this.heightRange = this.heightRangeMultiplier * this.size.y; this.controlPointInterval = 128; // Must devide exactly into pos.size.x this.generate(); } generate() { this.controlPoints = []; for (let x = 0, i = 0; x < this.size.x; x += this.controlPointInterval, i++) { this.controlPoints.push(new Vector( x + (i !== 0 ? random(25) : 0), random(this.heightRange) + ((random(2) == 0) ? ((this.size.y - this.heightRange) * random(0.5, 1, true)) : 0) )); } // Make everything as seamless as possible this.controlPoints[this.controlPoints.length - 2].x = this.size.x - this.controlPoints[2].x; this.controlPoints[this.controlPoints.length - 2].y = this.size.y; this.hillLine = new SmoothLine(); // TODO: Add a few points before this to make th smooth line join up upon reset correctly var prevPoints = []; for(let point of this.controlPoints) prevPoints.push(point.clone().subtract(new Vector(this.size.x, 0))); prevPoints.pop(); // Remove the last point because it's essentially the same as the first regular point this.hillLine.add(prevPoints); // The points to the left this.hillLine.add(this.controlPoints); // Add the regular points } /** * Updates the hillset ready for the next frame. * @param {number} dt The number of seconds since the last frame. */ update(dt) { this.pos.x += this.speed * dt; if(this.pos.x >= this.size.x) // console.log("Reset"); this.pos.x = 0; } render(context) { context.save(); context.translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); context.fillStyle = "red"; context.beginPath(); context.ellipse(0, 0, 10, 10, 0, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); context.fill(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, this.size.y); context.lineTo(-this.size.x, this.size.y); /*for(let point of this.controlPoints) { context.lineTo(point.x, point.y); }*/ this.hillLine.line(context, 16); context.lineTo(this.size.x, this.size.y); context.closePath(); context.fillStyle = this.colour; context.fill(); context.restore(); } toString() { return `HillSet @ ${this.pos} (${this.size}), Control Points x${this.controlPoints.length}: ${this.controlPoints.join(", ")}`; } }