"use strict"; import haversine from 'haversine-distance'; import { normalise, clamp } from '../../common/Math.mjs'; class DatasetFetcher { constructor({ settings, GatewayRepo, RSSIRepo, ReadingRepo }) { this.settings = settings; this.repo_gateway = GatewayRepo; this.repo_rssi = RSSIRepo; this.repo_reading = ReadingRepo; } normalise_latlng(lat, lng) { return [ normalise(lat, { min: -90, max: +90 }, { min: 0, max: 1 } ), normalise(lng, { min: -180, max: +180 }, { min: 0, max: 1 } ) ]; } fetch_all(gateway_id) { let gateway_location = this.repo_gateway.get_by_id(gateway_id); let result = []; for(let rssi of this.repo_rssi.iterate_gateway(gateway_id)) { let next_input = this.normalise_latlng(rssi.latitude, rssi.longitude); let distance_from_gateway = haversine(gateway_location, rssi); next_input.push(clamp( normalise(distance_from_gateway, { min: 0, max: 20000 }, { min: 0, max: 1 } ), 0, 1)) result.input.push(next_input); console.log(`Distance from gateway: ${haversine(gateway_location, rssi)}m`); let next_output = clamp(normalise(rssi.rssi, { min: this.settings.ai.rssi_min, max: this.settings.ai.rssi_max }, { min: 0, max: 1 } ), 0, 1); result.push({ input: next_input, output: next_output }); } for(let reading of this.repo_reading.iterate_unreceived()) { result.input.push(this.normalise_latlng( reading.latitude, reading.longitude )); result.output.push([ 0 ]); } return result; } *fetch_input(gateway_id) { for(let rssi of this.repo_rssi.iterate_gateway(gateway_id)) yield this.normalise_latlng(rssi.latitude, rssi.longitude); for(let rssi of this.repo_reading.iterate_unreceived()) yield this.normalise_latlng(rssi.latitude, rssi.longitude); } *fetch_output(gateway_id) { for(let rssi of this.repo_rssi.iterate_gateway(gateway_id)) { yield [ clamp(normalise(rssi.rssi, { min: this.settings.ai.rssi_min, max: this.settings.ai.rssi_max }, { min: 0, max: 1 } ), 0, 1) ]; } // Yield 0 for every unreceived message, since we want to train it to predict a *terrible* signal where the gateway is not for(let rssi of this.repo_reading.iterate_unreceived()) { yield [ 0 ]; } } } export default DatasetFetcher;