"use strict"; import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs'; import tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu'; class AITrainer { constructor({ ansi, settings, log, root_dir, GatewayRepo, DatasetFetcher }) { this.a = ansi; this.settings = settings; this.root_dir = root_dir; this.l = log; this.dataset_fetcher = DatasetFetcher; this.repo_gateway = GatewayRepo; } generate_model() { let model = tf.sequential(); model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: 64, // 64 nodes activation: "sigmoid", // Sigmoid activation function inputShape: [3], // 3 inputs - lat, long, and distance from gateway })) model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: 1, // 1 output value - RSSI activation: "sigmoid" // The example code uses softmax, but this is generally best used for classification tasks })); model.compile({ optimizer: tf.train.adam(), loss: tf.losses.absoluteDifference, metrics: [ tf.metrics.meanSquaredError ] }); this.l.log(`Model:`); model.summary(); return model; } async train_all() { let index = []; for(let gateway of this.repo_gateway.iterate()) { let filename = path.join(this.root_dir, "..", this.settings.ai.output_directory, `${gateway.id}`); console.log(filename); if(!fs.existsSync(path.dirname(filename))) await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(filename), { recursive: true }); if(!await this.train_gateway(gateway.id, filename)) { this.l.warn(`Warning: Failed to train AI for ${gateway.id}.`); continue; } index.push({ id: gateway.id, latitude: gateway.latitude, longitude: gateway.longitude }); } await fs.promises.writeFile( path.join( path.dirname(this.root_dir), this.settings.ai.output_directory, "index.json" ), JSON.stringify({ properties: { rssi_min: this.settings.ai.rssi_min, rssi_max: this.settings.ai.rssi_max }, index }) ); } /** * Trains an AI to predict the coverage of a specific gateway. * @param {string} gateway_id The id of the gateway to train an AI for. * @param {string} destination_filename The absolute path to the file to serialise the trained to. Required because we can't serialise and return a TensorFlow model, it has to be sent somewhere because the API is backwards and upside-down :-/ * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves when training and serialisation is complete. */ async train_gateway(gateway_id, destination_filename) { this.l.log(`${this.a.fgreen}${this.a.hicol}Training AI for gateway ${gateway_id}${this.a.reset}`); let model = this.generate_model(); // let dataset_input = tf.data.generator( // this.dataset_fetcher.fetch_input.bind(this.dataset_fetcher, gateway_id) // ); // let dataset_output = tf.data.generator( // this.dataset_fetcher.fetch_output.bind(this.dataset_fetcher, gateway_id) // ); // // let dataset = tf.data.zip({ // xs: dataset_input, // ys: dataset_output // }).shuffle(this.settings.ai.batch_size * 4) // .batch(this.settings.ai.batch_size); // let datasets = this.dataset_fetcher.fetch_all(gateway_id); let result = await model.fit( tf.tensor(datasets.input), tf.tensor(datasets.output), { epochs: this.settings.ai.epochs, batchSize: this.settings.ai.batch_size, validationSplit: this.settings.ai.validation_split } ); await model.save(`file://${destination_filename}`); // console.log(result); return true; } } export default AITrainer;