#pragma once ////////////////////////////////// ////////////// Main ////////////// ////////////////////////////////// // The speed at which we should talk over our main hardware serial connection. #define BAUD_PC 115200 // Multiple devices can use the same SPI data pin AFAIKT, but some libraries *cough* SD *cough* are too stupid to figure out which pin it is on their own. #define PIN_SPI_DATA 9 ///////////////////////////////// ////////////// GPS ////////////// ///////////////////////////////// // The *TX* gin of the GPS device. // This is swapped because we receive the GPS device's message on our side on the RX pin, and the GPS device transmits messages on the TX. #define PIN_GPS_RX 5 // The *RX* pin on the GPS device. // This is swapped because where the GPs device is receiving, we aresending and vice versa. // The TX / RX here are according to *our* side, not the GPS device's side. #define PIN_GPS_TX 4 // The speed at which we should talk to the GPS device. Some GPS devices require a certain speed in order to use certain commands, so it's important that you check the datasheets for the device you're using. // 9600 is the correct speed for a NEO-6M. #define BAUD_GPS 9600 ////////////////////////////////// ////////// microSD Card ////////// ////////////////////////////////// // The chip select pin that activates the connection to the microSD card over SPI. #define PIN_SD_SPI_CHIP_SELECT 3 #define SD_FILENAME "data.tsv"