#!/usr/bin/env node "use strict"; // 1: Setup & Imports import c from './bootstrap/container.mjs'; import show_help from './help.mjs'; import TTNAppServer from './ttn-app-server/TTNAppServer.mjs'; const settings = c.resolve("settings"); const a = c.resolve("ansi"); // 2: CLI Argument Parsing let args = process.argv.slice(2); // Slice out the node binary name and the filename let extras = []; for(let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if(!args[i].startsWith("-")) { extras.push(args[i]); continue; } switch(args[i]) { case "--help": case "-h": show_help(settings); process.exit(); break; case "--version": case "-v": console.log(program.version); break; // Add more arguments here } } // 3: Environment Variable Parsing // process.env.XYZ // 4: Run if(extras.length < 1) { console.error(`${a.fred}${a.hicol}Error: No subcommand specified.${a.reset}`); show_help(settings); process.exit(); } switch(extras[0]) { case "ttn-app-server": let app_server = new TTNAppServer(settings); app_server.run(); break; default: console.error(`${a.fred}${a.hicol}Error: Subcommand '${extras[0]}' not recognised.${a.reset}`); console.error( `${a.fred}Perhaps you mistyped it, or it hasn't been implemented yet?`); process.exit(1); break; } // 5: Cleanup