import path from 'path'; export default function({ settings, ansi : a }) { console.log(`${settings.program_name}, ${settings.version} ${a.locol}By Starbeamrainbowlabs${a.reset} ${a.hicol}This program ${settings.description}.${a.reset} ${a.fblue}${a.hicol}Usage:${a.reset} node --experimental-modules ${path.relative(process.cwd(), process.argv[1])} {subcommand} {options} ${a.fblue}${a.hicol}Subcommands:${a.reset} ${a.fyellow}ttn-app-server${a.reset} Starts the thing network application server ${a.fyellow}decode-test${a.reset} Decodes a base64 encoded message ${a.fyellow}process-data${a.reset} Consolidates collected data from the IoT device and the TTN app server ${a.fyellow}train-ai${a.reset} Trains the AI on the consolidated data ${a.fblue}${a.hicol}Options:${a.reset} ${a.fyellow}-h --help ${a.reset} Show this message ${a.fyellow}-v --version ${a.reset} Show the version of this program ${a.fyellow} --ai-unified${a.reset} Switch to the unified AI training mode. This trains 1 AI for everything, instead of 1 AI per gateway. ${a.fyellow} --ai-split${a.reset} Switch to the split AI training mode (the default). This trains 1 AI per gateway. ${a.fblue}${a.hicol}Environment Variables:${a.reset} (none yet) `); };