Linux 101


  • Introduction - why and where
  • Installation of Ubuntu
  • Writing and compiling a simple C♯ program


  • 69.4% of webservers use a Unix-based OS
  • 30.6% of webservers use Windows

According to W3Techs


  • US Department of Defence
  • French Parliament
  • Amazon
  • Android

Sources: 1

Installing Ubuntu

What's Ubuntu?

  • A distribution of Linux
  • Others are available, but Ubuntu is great for beginners
  • Lots of help available online if you get stuck
The logos of a number of different linux distributions.
A timeline of different linux distributions.

Choosing the language

Boot menu


Keyboard Layout

Initial Software and Updates


Dual Booting

I'm sure it's fine.....



Now we wait!

and wait


Logging in

Type your password

The amazing apt

Doing it manually


  • Installation complete!
  • What next?
  • Let's write some C♯

Let's Compile some C♯!

Package Management

  • Most Linux distributions use a package manager
  • Everything is a package - from your kernel to the software that you use
  • Debian-based distributions use apt


  • We have the apt repository
  • Now we can install Mono
  • sudo apt install mono-devel


  • The Linux terminal is very similar to the Windows command prompt
  • If you've got some C♯ code in a Visual Studio solution already, download that now
  • Otherwise, use a text editor to write a quick program
  • On Linux, we can use csc and msbuild just like we do on Windows

Usage (cont.)

  • csc MyFile.cs
  • msbuild


What's Monodevelop?

  • Writing C♯ code in a text editor is old-school
  • Like Visual Studio, but on Linux
  • Actually the base of Visual Studio for Mac