# AudioMorseDecoder > Dot dot hash! A C# program that uses NAudio to analyze an audio file and decode the detected morse signal. Currently not particularly tolerant of noise. Features: - A two-tiered buffer system to reduce memory usage when reading long files - A multi-step tokeniser - Extracts context-free tokens from the rolling buffer first - Converts context-free tokens into contextual tokens second - Noise gate to extract first-level tokens - AI-like logic to identify the speed of the morse code detected ## Getting Started ### Compiling Open the solution in Visual Studio / MonoDevelop / Xamarin and hit build. Alternatively, linux users can run `nuget restore && msbuild` in the root of this repository. ### Usage Use the program like this: ```bash ./MorseDecoder.exe "/path/to/audio/file.wav" ``` In theory, it should support multiple audio file formats as it uses an NAudio `AudioFileReader` to read the samples from the source file. The output will show the detected morse code, and the deciphered text. ## License This program is licensed under the [Mozilla Public License 2.0](https://git.starbeamrainbowlabs.com/sbrl/AudioMorseDecoder/src/master/LICENSE).