
21 lines
836 B

"use strict";
* Converts a filesize into a human-readable string.
* Ported from PHP: https://github.com/sbrl/Pepperminty-Wiki/blob/0a81c940c5803856db250b29f54658476bc81e21/core/05-functions.php#L57-L73
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.filesize.php#106569 The original source
* @author rommel
* @author Edited by Starbeamrainbowlabs
* @param {number} bytes The number of bytes to convert.
* @param {number} decimals The number of decimal places to preserve.
* @return {string} A human-readable filesize.
function human_filesize(bytes, decimals = 2) {
let sz = ["b", "kib", "mib", "gib", "tib", "pib", "eib", "yib", "zib"];
let factor = Math.floor((bytes.toString().length - 1) / 3);
let result = Math.round(bytes / (1024 ** factor), decimals);
return result + sz[factor];
export default human_filesize;