"use strict"; import chroma from 'chroma-js'; import encode from 'image-encode'; import l from '../../Helpers/Log.mjs'; class Terrain50Renderer { constructor(in_scale_factor, in_domain = "auto") { this.colour_domain = in_domain; this.scale_factor = in_scale_factor; this.colour_scale = chroma.scale([ "#333333", // chroma("white").alpha(0), // "green" "#efefef", ]).mode('lrgb'); this.colour_nodata = chroma("#f97153").rgba(); this.colour_scale_classes = chroma.scale([ "#00ff00", "#ff0000" ]); } /** * Actually does the rendering, returning a canvas with the image rendered * onto it. * You probably want the .render() method, which returns a buffer * containing a png-encoded image. * @param {Terrain50} terrain The Terrain50 object instance to render. * @param {{min:number,max:number}[]} classes The classes to bin the values into. If not specified, values are not binned into classes. Warning: Values *must* fit into a bin. It is recommended to use -Infinity and Infinity in the first and last bins. * @return {ArrayBuffer} A canvas with the image rendered on it. */ async do_render(terrain, classes = null) { let colour_domain = null; if(this.colour_domain === "auto") { let min = terrain.min_value, max = terrain.max_value; colour_domain = this.colour_scale.domain([ min, max ]); l.log(`[Terrain50Renderer] Automatic colour domain: ${min} - ${max}`); } else { colour_domain = this.colour_scale.domain(this.colour_domain); l.log(`[Terrain50Renderer] Static colour domain: ${this.colour_domain[0]} - ${this.colour_domain[1]}`); } if(classes != null) colour_domain = this.colour_scale_classes.domain([ 0, classes.length ]); let width = Math.floor(terrain.meta.ncols / this.scale_factor), height = Math.floor(terrain.meta.nrows / this.scale_factor); l.log(`[Terrain50Renderer] Dimensions: ${width}x${height}`); // Create the image let pixels = new ArrayBuffer(width * height * 4); let view8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(pixels), view32 = new Uint32Array(pixels); // For image generation by us // let view32 = new Uint32Array(img.bitmap.data); let count = 0; for(let y = 0; y < height*this.scale_factor; y += this.scale_factor) { for(let x = 0; x < width*this.scale_factor; x += this.scale_factor) { // l.debug(`Processing (${x}, ${y})`) let a_y = Math.floor(y / this.scale_factor), a_x = Math.floor(x / this.scale_factor); // chroma.js clamps automagically :D let colour = this.colour_nodata; if(typeof terrain.data[a_y] !== "undefined" && terrain.data[a_y][a_x] !== terrain.meta.NODATA_value) { if(classes == null) { colour = colour_domain( terrain.data[a_y][a_x] ).rgba(); // 0: r, 1: g, 2: b, a: 3 } else { for(let i in classes) { if(terrain.data[a_y][a_x] >= classes[i].min && terrain.data[a_y][a_x] < classes[i].max) { colour = colour_domain(i).rgba(); // 0: r, 1: g, 2: b, a: 3 } } } } // colour = chroma("red").rgba(); colour[3] = Math.floor(colour[3] * 255); // Scale the alpha value from 0-1 to 0-255 if(colour[3] < 1) console.log(`(${x}, ${y})`, colour); // img.bitmap.data[a_y*width + a_x + 0] = colour[0]; // img.bitmap.data[a_y*width + a_x + 1] = colour[1]; // img.bitmap.data[a_y*width + a_x + 2] = colour[2]; // img.bitmap.data[a_y*width + a_x + 3] = colour[3]; view32[count] = (colour[3] << 24) | // a (colour[2] << 16) | // b (colour[1] << 8) | // g colour[0]; // r // img.bitmap.data[a_y*width + a_x] = // (colour[0] << 24) | // r // (colour[1] << 16) | // g // (colour[2] << 8) | // b // colour[3]; // a // console.log(`(${x}, ${y}) -> (${a_x}, ${a_y}) @ SF ${this.scale_factor}`, terrain.data[y][x], colour); count++; } } l.log(`Written to ${count} pixels (${view32.length} present, ${((count/(width*height))*100).toFixed(2)}%)`); console.log(view8); return view8; } /** * Renders the given Terrain50 object to an image. * Returns a buffer containing a PNG-encoded image, which is ready to be * written to disk for example. * @param {Terrain50} terrain The terrain object to render. * @param {{min:number,max:number}[]} classes The classes to bin the values into. If not specified, values are not binned into classes. Warning: Values *must* fit into a bin. It is recommended to use -Infinity and Infinity in the first and last bins. * @return {Buffer} The terrain object as a png, represented as a buffer. */ async render(terrain, classes = null) { let width = Math.floor(terrain.meta.ncols / this.scale_factor), height = Math.floor(terrain.meta.nrows / this.scale_factor); let result = await this.do_render(terrain, classes); return Buffer.from(encode(result, [ width, height ], "png")); } } export default Terrain50Renderer;