# terrain50-cli > CLI for parsing Ordnance Survey Digital Elevation Model files This is the CLI for the sister [`terrain50`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/terrain50) library on npm for parsing Ordnance Survey DEM files in the [ASCII Esri Grid format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esri_grid) I also implemented. - **Current version:** ![current npm version - see the GitHub releases](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/terrain50-cli) - **Changelog:** https://github.com/sbrl/terrain50-cli/blob/master/Changelog.md ## Install Install via `npm`: ```bash npm install terrain50-cli --global ``` ## Usage The command-line interface works on a subcommand-based system using [`applause-cli`](https://npmjs.org/package/applause-cli) (another package of mine). Display the usage information like this: ```bash terrain50 --help ``` If you installed it locally, you'll need to do this: ```bash path/to/node_modules/.bin/terrain50 --help ``` ### Environment Variables Additionally, a number of environment variables are supported. Variable | Purpose ------------|----------------------------- `NO_COLOR` | Disables ANSI escape codes in output (i.e. coloured output). Not recommended unless you have a reason. `QUIET` | Suppress all output except for warnings and errors (not fully supported everywhere yet) ## Notes ### `image` subcommand: `--boundaries` argument This argument's purpose is the divide the incoming data into categories so that an AI can be potentially trained on the data (e.g. water depth data, as I'm using). It takes a comma separated list of values like this: ``` 0.1,0.5,1,5 ``` ...and turns it into a number of bins like so: - -Infinity ≤ value < 0.1 - 0.1 ≤ value < 0.5 - 0.5 ≤ value < 1 - 1 ≤ value < 5 - 5 ≤ value < Infinity Each bin is assigned a colour. Then, for each value in the input, it draws the colour that's assigned to the bin that the value fits into. ## Read-world use - I'm using it for the main Node.js application for my PhD in Computer Science! - _(Are you using this project? Get in touch by [opening an issue](https://github.com/sbrl/terrain50/issues/new))_ ## Contributing Contributions are welcome as PRs! Don't forget to say that you donate your contribution under the _Mozilla Public License 2.0_ in your PR comment. ## Licence This project is licensed under the _Mozilla Public License 2.0_. See the `LICENSE` file in this repository for the full text.