# terrain50 > CLI for parsing Ordnance Survey Digital Elevation Model files This is the CLI for the sister [`terrain50`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/terrain50) library on npm for parsing Ordnance Survey DEM files I also implemented. - **Current version:** ![current npm version - see the GitHub releases](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/terrain50-cli) - **Changelog:** https://github.com/sbrl/terrain50-cli/blob/master/Changelog.md ## Install Install via `npm`: ```bash npm install terrain50-cli --global ``` ## Usage The command-line interface works on a subcommand-based system using [`applause-cli`](https://npmjs.org/packages/applause-cli) (another package of mine). Display the usage information like this: ```bash terrain50 --help ``` If you installed it locally, you'll need to do this: ```bash path/to/node_modules/.bin/terrain50 --help ``` ## Read-world use - I'm using it for the main Node.js application for my PhD in Computer Science! - _(Are you using this project? Get in touch by [opening an issue](https://github.com/sbrl/terrain50/issues/new))_ ## Contributing Contributions are welcome as PRs! Don't forget to say that you donate your contribution under the _Mozilla Public License 2.0_ in your PR comment. ## Licence This project is licensed under the _Mozilla Public License 2.0_. See the `LICENSE` file in this repository for the full text.