"use strict"; /** * Writes data to a stream, automatically waiting for the drain event if asked. * See also write_safe. * @param {stream.Writable} stream_out The writable stream to write to. * @param {string|Buffer|Uint8Array} data The data to write. * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves when writing is complete. * @private */ function write_safe(stream_out, data) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // Handle errors let handler_error = (error) => { stream_out.off("error", handler_error); reject(error); }; stream_out.on("error", handler_error); if(typeof data == "string" ? stream_out.write(data, "utf-8") : stream_out.write(data)) { // We're good to go stream_out.off("error", handler_error); resolve(); } else { // We need to wait for the drain event before continuing stream_out.once("drain", () => { stream_out.off("error", handler_error); resolve(); }); } }); } /** * Waits for the given stream to end and finish writing data. * NOTE: This function is not tested and guaranteed yet. (ref #10 the HydroIndexWriter bug) * @param {stream.Writable} stream The stream to end. * @param {Buffer|string} [chunk=undefined] Optional. A chunk to write when calling .end(). * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when writing is complete. * @private */ function end_safe(stream, chunk = undefined) { return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => { if(typeof chunk == "undefined") stream.end(resolve); else stream.end(chunk, resolve); }); } export { write_safe, end_safe };