#!/usr/bin/env bash #SBATCH -J DeepRain #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH -n 14 #SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 #SBATCH -o %j.%N.%a.deeplab-rainfall.out.log #SBATCH -e %j.%N.%a.deeplab-rainfall.err.log #SBATCH -p gpu05,gpu #SBATCH --time=5-00:00:00 #SBATCH --mem=30000 # ---> in MiB module load utilities/multi module load readline/7.0 module load gcc/10.2.0 module load cuda/11.5.0 module load python/anaconda/4.6/miniconda/3.7 show_help() { echo -e "Trains a TEST DeepLabv3+ model using rainfall radar and water depth data." >&2; echo -e "" >&2; echo -e "Usage:" >&2; echo -e " sbatch slurm-TEST-deeplabv3p-rainfall.job" >&2; echo -e "" >&2; echo -e "....where:" >&2; echo -e " IMAGE_SIZE=128 Optional. Sets the size of the 'images' that the DeepLabV3+ model will work with." >&2; echo -e " BATCH_SIZE=64 Optional. Sets the batch size to train the model with." >&2; echo -e " DIR_RAINFALLWATER The path to the directory the .tfrecord files containing the rainfall radar / water depth data." >&2; echo -e " PATH_HEIGHTMAP The path to the heightmap jsonl file to read in." >&2; echo -e " PATH_COLOURMAP The path to the colourmap for predictive purposes." >&2; echo -e " PATH_CHECKPOINT The path to a checkcpoint to load. If specified, a model will be loaded instead of being trained." >&2; echo -e " STEPS_PER_EPOCH The number of steps to consider an epoch. Defaults to None, which means use the entire dataset." >&2; echo -e " POSTFIX Postfix to append to the output dir (auto calculated)." >&2; echo -e " ARGS Optional. Any additional arguments to pass to the python program." >&2; echo -e "" >&2; echo -e "It is strongly advised that all filepaths do NOT contain spaces." >&2; echo -e "" >&2; echo -e "The code used to identify the run is taken automatically from the filename of the config file." >&2; exit; } DIR_RAINFALLWATER="${DIR_RAINFALLWATER:-$HOME/rainfallwater_records_tfrecord}"; PATH_HEIGHTMAP="${PATH_HEIGHTMAP:-$HOME/data/terrain50-nimrodsized.json.gz}"; PATH_COLOURMAP="${PATH_COLOURMAP:-$HOME/data/instance-level-human-parsing/instance-level_human_parsing/human_colormap.mat}"; CODE="deeplabv3+_rainfall"; if [[ -n "${POSTFIX}" ]]; then echo -e ">>> Applying postfix of ${POSTFIX}" >&2; CODE="${CODE}_${POSTFIX}"; fi DIR_OUTPUT="output/$(date -u --rfc-3339=date)_${CODE}"; echo -e ">>> Additional args: ${ARGS}"; export PATH=$HOME/software/bin:$PATH; export IMAGE_SIZE BATCH_SIZE DIR_RAINFALLWATER PATH_HEIGHTMAP PATH_COLOURMAP STEPS_PER_EPOCH DIR_OUTPUT; echo ">>> Installing requirements"; conda run -n py38 pip install -q -r requirements.txt; echo ">>> Training model"; #shellcheck disable=SC2086 /usr/bin/env time -v conda run -n py38 src/deeplabv3_plus_test_rainfall.py echo ">>> exited with code $?";