#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os import re import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd def do_regex(source, regex): if regex is None or len(regex) == 0: return source result = re.search(regex, source) if not result: return source return result.group(0) def plot_metric(ax, train_list, val_list, metric_name, model_names, dir_output): i = 0 for train in train_list: ax.plot(train, label=model_names[i]) i += 1 i = 0 for val in val_list: ax.plot(val, label=f"val_{model_names[i]}") i += 1 ax.set_title(metric_name) ax.set_xlabel("epoch") ax.set_ylabel(metric_name) # plt.savefig(os.path.join(dir_output, f"{name}.png")) # plt.close() def make_dfs(filepaths_input): dfs = [] for filepath_input in filepaths_input: print("DEBUG filepath_input", filepath_input) dfs = pd.read_csv(filepath_input, sep="\t") def plot_metrics(filepaths_input, model_names, dirpath_output, resolution=1): dfs = [ pd.read_csv(filepath_input, sep="\t") for filepath_input in filepaths_input ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10*resolution, 13*resolution)) for i, colname in enumerate(filter(lambda colname: colname != "epoch" and not colname.startswith("val_"), dfs[0].columns.values.tolist())): train = [ df[colname] for df in dfs ] val = [ df[f"val_{colname}"] for df in dfs ] colname_display = colname.replace("metric_dice_coefficient", "dice coefficient") \ .replace("one_hot_mean_iou", "mean iou") ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, i+1) plot_metric(ax, train, val, metric_name=colname_display, model_names=model_names, dir_output=dirpath_output) # fig.tight_layout() # Ref https://stackoverflow.com/a/57484812/1460422 # lines_labels = [ ax.get_legend_handles_labels() for ax in fig.axes ] lines_labels = [ fig.axes[0].get_legend_handles_labels() ] lines, labels = [sum(lol, []) for lol in zip(*lines_labels) ] fig.legend(lines, labels, loc='upper center', ncol=4) target=os.path.join(dirpath_output, f"metrics.png") plt.savefig(target) sys.stderr.write(">>> Saved to ") sys.stdout.write(target) sys.stderr.flush(); sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.write("\n") if __name__ == "__main__": if "--help" in sys.argv: sys.stderr.write(""" plot_metrics_multi.py: plot metrics for more than one metrics.tsv file It is assumed that all files have identical metrics in the same column order. The output file is named "metrics.png". Usage: echo -e "filepathA\\nfilepathB..." | [OUTPUT="path/to/output_dir"] [REGEX_NAME=''] path/to/plot_metrics_multi.py """) sys.exit() REGEX_NAME = os.environ["REGEX_NAME"] if "REGEX_NAME" in os.environ else None if REGEX_NAME is None and len(sys.argv) >= 1: REGEX_NAME = sys.argv[1] FILEPATHS_INPUT = [] MODEL_NAMES = [] for line in sys.stdin: filepath = line if not os.path.exists(filepath): filepath = filepath.strip() if os.path.isdir(filepath): filepath = os.path.join(filepath, "metrics.tsv") if not os.path.exists(filepath): sys.stderr.write(f"Warning: The input filepath at {filepath} either does not exist or you don't have permission to read it.\n") FILEPATHS_INPUT.append(filepath) stem = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(filepath)) MODEL_NAMES.append(do_regex(stem, REGEX_NAME) if REGEX_NAME is not None and len(REGEX_NAME) > 0 else stem) sys.stderr.write(">>> MAPPING:\n") i = 0 for model_name in MODEL_NAMES: sys.stderr.write(f" {model_name} -- {FILEPATHS_INPUT[i]}\n") i += 1 DIRPATH_OUTPUT = os.environ["OUTPUT"] if "OUTPUT" in os.environ else os.getcwd() plot_metrics( FILEPATHS_INPUT, MODEL_NAMES, DIRPATH_OUTPUT, resolution=float(os.environ["RESOLUTION"]) if "RESOLUTION" in os.environ else 1 )