#!/usr/bin/env bash #SBATCH -J RW2jsonl #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH -n 1 #SBATCH -o %j.%N.%a.out.log #SBATCH -e %j.%N.%a.err.log #SBATCH -p compute #SBATCH --time=3-00:00:00 #SBATCH --mem=8096 # * 8GB RAM set -e; module load utilities/multi module load readline/7.0 module load gcc/10.2.0 # module load cuda/11.5.0 module load python/anaconda/4.6/miniconda/3.7 RAINFALL="${RAINFALL:-$HOME/data/nimrod_ceda.jsonl.gz}"; WATER="${WATER:-$HOME/data/WaterDepths-new.stream.asc.gz}"; OUTPUT="${OUTPUT}"; COUNT_FILE="${COUNT_FILE:-4096}"; if [[ -z "${WATER}" ]]; then echo "Error: No input water depth file specified in the WATER environment variable."; exit 1; fi if [[ -z "${RAINFALL}" ]]; then echo "Error: No input rainfall file specified in the RAINFALL environment variables."; exit 1; fi if [[ -z "${OUTPUT}" ]]; then echo "Error: No output directory specified in the OUTPUT environment variable."; exit 1; fi if [[ ! -r "${RAINFALL}" ]]; then echo "Error: That input rainfall file either doesn't exist, isn't a directory, or we don't have permission to access it."; exit 3; fi if [[ ! -r "${WATER}" ]]; then echo "Error: That input water depth file either doesn't exist, isn't a directory, or we don't have permission to access it."; exit 3; fi if [[ ! -d "${OUTPUT}" ]]; then mkdir "${OUTPUT}"; fi export PATH=$HOME/software/bin:$PATH; OUTPUT_UNIQ="${OUTPUT%/}_uniq"; # Stript trailing slash, if present OUTPUT_TFRECORD="${OUTPUT%/}_tfrecord"; # Stript trailing slash, if present mkdir -p "${OUTPUT_UNIQ}" "${OUTPUT_TFRECORD}"; echo ">>> Settings"; echo "RAINFALL $RAINFALL"; echo "WATER $WATER"; echo "OUTPUT $OUTPUT"; echo "COUNT_FILE $COUNT_FILE"; echo "ARGS $ARGS"; echo ">>> Installing requirements"; cd ../aimodel || { echo "Error: Failed to cd to ai model directory"; exit 1; }; conda run -n py38 pip install -r requirements.txt; cd ../rainfallwrangler || { echo "Error: Failed to cd back to rainfallwrangler directory"; exit 1; }; npm install; echo ">>> Converting dataset to .jsonl.gz"; /usr/bin/env time -v src/index.mjs recordify --verbose --rainfall "${RAINFALL}" --water "${WATER}" --output "${OUTPUT}" --count-file "${COUNT_FILE}" ${ARGS}; echo ">>> Deduplicating dataset"; # This also automatically recompresses for us - hence the source/target rather than in-place srun --comment 'RainUniq' --exclusive -p compute /usr/bin/env time -v src/index.mjs uniq --source "${OUTPUT}" --target "${OUTPUT_UNIQ}" --count-file "${COUNT_FILE}"; echo ">>> Removing intermediate output"; rm -r "${OUTPUT}"; echo ">>> Queuing .jsonl.gz → tfrecord"; INPUT="${OUTPUT_UNIQ}" OUTPUT="${OUTPUT_TFRECORD}" sbatch ./slurm-jsonl2tfrecord.job; echo ">>> exited with code $?";