From 4703bdbea1e44c86e32217ba1067eb3b5fd000bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Starbeamrainbowlabs Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2023 20:32:35 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] SLURM: add job file for encoderonly It's pretty much bugfixed, but illykin doesn't have enough RAM to support it at the moment :-( --- aimodel/slurm-encoderonly-rainfall.job | 77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+) create mode 100755 aimodel/slurm-encoderonly-rainfall.job diff --git a/aimodel/slurm-encoderonly-rainfall.job b/aimodel/slurm-encoderonly-rainfall.job new file mode 100755 index 0000000..fc9357b --- /dev/null +++ b/aimodel/slurm-encoderonly-rainfall.job @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +#SBATCH -J EncORain +#SBATCH -N 1 +#SBATCH -n 14 +#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 +#SBATCH -o %j.%N.%a.encoderonly-rainfall.out.log +#SBATCH -e %j.%N.%a.encoderonly-rainfall.err.log +#SBATCH -p gpu +#SBATCH --no-requeue +#SBATCH --time=5-00:00:00 +#SBATCH --mem=30000 +# ---> in MiB +# no-requeue: ref + +module load utilities/multi +module load readline/7.0 +module load gcc/10.2.0 +module load cuda/11.5.0 + +module load python/anaconda/4.6/miniconda/3.7 + + +show_help() { + echo -e "Trains a TEST encoderonly model using rainfall radar and water depth data." >&2; + echo -e "" >&2; + echo -e "Usage:" >&2; + echo -e " sbatch slurm-encoderonly-rainfall.job" >&2; + echo -e "" >&2; + echo -e "....where:" >&2; + echo -e " BATCH_SIZE=64 Optional. Sets the batch size to train the model with." >&2; + echo -e " DIRPATH_RAINFALLWATER The path to the directory the .tfrecord files containing the rainfall radar / water depth data." >&2; + echo -e " PATH_HEIGHTMAP The path to the heightmap jsonl file to read in." >&2; +# echo -e " PATH_COLOURMAP The path to the colourmap for predictive purposes." >&2; + echo -e " CHANNELS=8 The number of channels the input data has." >&2; + echo -e " WINDOW_SIZE=33 The window size to use when convolving the input dataset for single pixel prediction." >&2; + echo -e " STEPS_PER_EPOCH The number of steps to consider an epoch. Defaults to None, which means use the entire dataset." >&2; + echo -e " EPOCHS=25 The number of epochs to train for." >&2; +# echo -e " NO_REMOVE_ISOLATED_PIXELS Set to any value to avoid the engine from removing isolated pixels - that is, water pixels with no other surrounding pixels, either side to side to diagonally." >&2; +# echo -e " PATH_CHECKPOINT The path to a checkcpoint to load. If specified, a model will be loaded instead of being trained." >&2; +# echo -e " LEARNING_RATE The learning rate to use. Default: 0.001." >&2; +# echo -e " PREDICT_COUNT The number of items from the (SCRAMBLED) dataset to make a prediction for." >&2; + echo -e " POSTFIX Postfix to append to the output dir (auto calculated)." >&2; + echo -e " ARGS Optional. Any additional arguments to pass to the python program." >&2; + echo -e "" >&2; + echo -e "It is strongly advised that all filepaths do NOT contain spaces." >&2; + exit; +} + +DIRPATH_RAINFALLWATER="${DIRPATH_RAINFALLWATER:-$HOME/rainfallwater_records_tfrecord}"; +PATH_HEIGHTMAP="${PATH_HEIGHTMAP:-$HOME/data/terrain50-nimrodsized.json.gz}"; +PATH_COLOURMAP="${PATH_COLOURMAP:-$HOME/data/instance-level-human-parsing/instance-level_human_parsing/human_colormap.mat}"; + +CODE="encoderonly_rainfall"; + +if [[ -n "${POSTFIX}" ]]; then + echo -e ">>> Applying postfix of ${POSTFIX}" >&2; + CODE="${CODE}_${POSTFIX}"; +fi + +DIRPATH_OUTPUT="output/$(date -u --rfc-3339=date)_${CODE}"; + +mkdir -p "${DIR_OUTPUT}"; + +echo -e ">>> NOW: $(date)"; +echo -e ">>> DIR_OUTPUT: ${DIR_OUTPUT}"; +echo -e ">>> Additional args: ${ARGS}"; + +export PATH=$HOME/software/bin:$PATH; +export BATCH_SIZE DIRPATH_RAINFALLWATER PATH_HEIGHTMAP STEPS_PER_EPOCH DIRPATH_OUTPUT PATH_CHECKPOINT CHANNELS WINDOW_SIZE EPOCHS; +#LOSS LEARNING_RATE; + +echo ">>> Installing requirements"; +conda run -n py38 pip install -q -r requirements.txt; +echo ">>> Training model"; +#shellcheck disable=SC2016 +/usr/bin/env time -v conda run -n py38 bash -c 'src/ >>"${DIR_OUTPUT}/experiment.${SLURM_JOB_ID}.out.log" 2>>"${DIR_OUTPUT}/experiment.${SLURM_JOB_ID}.err.log"; echo "[slurm_runner] EXIT_CODE: $?" >>"${DIR_OUTPUT}/experiment.${SLURM_JOB_ID}.out.log";'; +echo ">>> exited with code $?";