# powahroot > Client and server-side routing micro frameworks _Powahroot_ is a pair of micro routing frameworks, presented as an ES6 module: - The first is for client-side single-page web applications - The other is for handling server-side Node.js requests It's based on [`rill`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/rill) (see the npm package bearing the name), but stripped down and simplified. - **Current version:**  - **Changelog:** https://github.com/sbrl/powahroot/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md ## Getting Started Install powahroot as a dependency with npm: ```bash npm install --save powahroot ``` If your build process supports [tree-shaking](https://webpack.js.org/guides/tree-shaking/), only the router(s?) you need will be included in the final output of your build - as _powahroot_ uses ES6 modules. ## Usage ### Paths Powahroot supports multiple syntax bells and whistles when defining routes. These are documented below: Syntax | Meaning --------------------------------|---------------------------------------- `/index.html` | Regular route. Matches exactly what it says on the tin. `*` | Special key(word?) that matches _any_ route. Must be present on its own without any other characters. `/add/vegetable/:name/:weight` | Parameters. Match values an pull them into an object automatically. Does not like forward slashes in parameter values. `/images/::path` | Parameter values with forward slashes. If you want to use parameters, but need values to be able to contain forward slashes `/`, this is for you. Don't forget you can mix-and-match this with the previous example! ### Client Initialise a new router like this: ```js import ClientRouter from 'powahroot/Client.mjs'; // .... const router = new ClientRouter({ // Options object. Default settings: verbose: false, // Whether to be verbose in console.log() messages listen_pushstate: true, // Whether to react to browser pushstate events (excluding those generated by powahroot itself, because that would cause an infinite loop :P) }); // Add a page router.add_page("/add/vegetable/:name/:weight", (params) => { console.log(`We added a ${params.name} with a weight of ${params.weight}g.`); }); // Explicitly navigate to a page: router.navigate("/add/carrot/frederick/10001"); ``` ### Server The server router works slightly differently, to account for the different environment it's designed for. Here's how to use it: ```js import ServerRouter from 'powahroot/Server.mjs'; // .... const router = new ServerRouter(); // Logging middle ware router.on_all(async (context, next) => { console.debug(context.url); await next(); }); // Regular handlere router.get("/files/::filepath", (context, _next) => context.send.plain(200, `You requested ${context.params.filepath}`)); // ..... // Later, when you've got a request / response pair to handle: await router.handle(request, response); ``` The `context` argument there is of type `RouterContext`. Check out the API reference (link below) to learn about the other useful properties it has. ## Reference API docs are generated automatically. View them here: <https://starbeamrainbowlabs.com/code/powahroot/docs/> It contains full documentation on how to use everything, along with code examples to help you get started. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! Simply fork this repository, make your changes, and submit a [Pull Request](https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-pull-requests) (issues are welcome too!). All contributions must be declared to have the `Mozilla Public License 2.0` (the same license that this repository is under). ## Licence Everything in this repository _except_ the logo is licenced under the _Mozilla Public License 2.0. The logo itself is © Copyright Starbeamrainbowlabs 2019. All rights reserved - though you _may_ use it when linking to this project (or to advertise usage in a 'powered by' logo).