"use strict"; import RouterContext from './RouterContext.mjs'; import { pathspec_to_regex } from '../Shared/Pathspec.mjs'; /** * A standalone HTTP router that's based on the principle of middleware. * Based on rill (see the npm package bearing the name), but stripped down and * simplified. */ class Router { constructor(verbose = false) { /** The actions to run in turn. */ this.actions = []; /** Whether to activate versbose mode. Useful for debugging the router. */ this.verbose = verbose; this.default_action = async (ctx) => { let message = `No route was found for '${ctx.request.url}'.`; if(this.verbose) { message += `\n\nRegistered Actions:\n`; for(let action of this.actions) { message += ` - ${action.toString()}\n`; } } ctx.send.plain(404, message); } } /** Shortcut function for attaching an action to any request method. Full function: on */ any(pathspec, action) { this.on("*", pathspec, action); } /** Shortcut function for attaching an action to head requests. Full function: on */ head(pathspec, action) { this.on(["head"], pathspec, action); } /** Shortcut function for attaching an action to get requests. Full function: on */ get(pathspec, action) { this.on(["get"], pathspec, action); } /** Shortcut function for attaching an action to post requests. Full function: on */ post(pathspec, action) { this.on(["post"], pathspec, action); } /** Shortcut function for attaching an action to put requests. Full function: on */ put(pathspec, action) { this.on(["put"], pathspec, action); } /** Shortcut function for attaching an action to delete requests. Full function: on */ delete(pathspec, action) { this.on(["delete"], pathspec, action); } /** Shortcut function for attaching an action to options requests. Full function: on */ options(pathspec, action) { this.on(["options"], pathspec, action); } /** * Execute the specified action for requests matching the given parameters. * TODO: Consider merging with on_all and refactoring to take an object literal which we cna destructure instead * @param {array} methods The HTTP methods to run the action for. Include '*' to specify all methods. * @param {string|regex} pathspec The specification of the paths that this action should match against. May be a regular expression. * @param {Function} action The action to execute. Will be passed the parameters `context` (Object) and `next` (Function). */ on(methods, pathspec, action) { let regex_info = pathspec instanceof RegExp ? {regex: pathspec, tokens: [] } : pathspec_to_regex(pathspec); // next must be a generator that returns each action in turn this.actions.push(async (context, next) => { const matches = context.url.pathname.match(regex_info.regex); if(this.verbose) console.error(`[router/verbose] [${methods.join(", ")} -> ${pathspec} ] Matches: `, matches); if((methods.indexOf(context.request.method.toLowerCase()) > -1 || methods.indexOf("*") > -1) && matches) { if(this.verbose) console.error(`[router/verbose] Match found! Executing action.`); for(let i = 1; i < matches.length; i++) { // Skip the top-level group context.params[regex_info.tokens[i-1]] = matches[i]; } await action(context, next); } else { if(this.verbose) console.error(`[router/verbose] Nope, didn't match. Moving on`); await next(); } }); } on_all(action) { this.actions.push(action); } /** * Runs the specified action for requests if the provided testing function * returns true. * @param {Function} test The testing function. Will be passed the context as it's only parameter. * @param {Function} action The action to run if the test returns true. */ onif(test, action) { this.actions.push(async (context, next) => { let test_result = test(context); if(this.verbose) console.error("[router/verbose] Test action result: ", test_result); if(test_result) await action(context, next); else await next(context); }) } /** * Handles the specified request. * @param {http.ClientRequest} request The request to handle. * @param {http.ServerResponse} response The response object to use to send the response. * @return {[type]} [description] */ async handle(request, response) { let context = new RouterContext(request, response), iterator = this.iterate(); // Begin the middleware execution this.gen_next(iterator, context)(); } /** * Returns an anonymous function that, when called, will execute the next * item of middleware. * It achieves this via a combination of a generator, anonymous function * scope abuse, being recursive, and magic. * @param {Generator} iterator The generator that emits the middleware. * @param {Object} context The context of the request. * @return {Function} A magic next function. */ gen_next(iterator, context) { let next_raw = iterator.next(); // Return the default action if we've reached the end of the line if(next_raw.done) return async () => { this.default_action(context); }; return (async () => { if(this.verbose) console.error(`[router/verbose] Executing ${next_raw.value}`); await next_raw.value(context, this.gen_next(iterator, context)); }).bind(this); // Don't forget to bind each successive function to this context } /** * Iterates over all the generated middleware. * @return {Generator} A generator that returns each successive piece of middleware in turn. */ *iterate() { for(let action of this.actions) { yield action; } } } export default Router;