#!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ "$#" -ne 4 ]] then echo Side by side image generator echo By Starbeamrainbowlabs echo -e "\nUsage:" echo " ./genframes.sh [leftimage.ext] [rightext.ext] [step] [outdir]" echo -e "\nNote that the output directory should *not* contain the trailing slash." exit fi i=0 step="$3" imwidth=1680 imheight=1050 leftimage="$1" rightimage="$2" outdirprefix="$4/" frame=0 while [ $(echo "$i <= 1" | bc) -eq 1 ] do nextoffset=$(calc -p "(${imwidth} / 2) * ${i}") leftpixcount=$(calc -p "$i * $imwidth") rightpixcount=$(calc -p "$imwidth - $leftpixcount") framefilename=${outdirprefix}$(printf "%03d" "$frame").jpeg echo $frame: $leftpixcount / $rightpixcount $framefilename if [[ $(echo "$leftpixcount == 0" | bc) -eq 1 ]] then cp $rightimage $framefilename elif [[ $(echo "$rightpixcount == 0" | bc) -eq 1 ]] then cp $leftimage $framefilename else convert $leftimage -crop ${leftpixcount}x${imheight}+0+0 $rightimage -crop ${rightpixcount}x${imheight}+$leftpixcount+0 +append "$framefilename" fi frame=$(calc -p "$frame + 1") i=$(calc -p "$i + $step") done