#!/usr/bin/env bash increment=10 backlight_prefix=/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/ echo $1 if [[ "$1" = "decrease" ]]; then echo decreasing increment=$(expr -${increment}) fi cur_brightness=$(cat ${backlight_prefix}brightness) max_brightness=$(cat ${backlight_prefix}max_brightness) new_brightness=$(expr ${cur_brightness} + ${increment}) # Permissions changes on brightness: ## change group to sbrl ## add g+w # Old command: #gksudo -- bash -c "echo ${new_brightness} >${backlight_prefix}brightness" echo ${new_brightness} >${backlight_prefix}brightness #################### ### Notification ### #################### ### uncomment the following line to disable the notification #exit # Calculate the percentage new_percent=$(echo "(${new_brightness} / ${max_brightness}) * 100" | bc -l) new_percent=$(printf "%.1f" "${new_percent}") echo new_percent: $new_percent max_bar_length=100 bar_length=$(echo "(${new_percent} / 100) * ${max_bar_length}" | bc -l) bar_length=$(printf "%.0f" "${bar_length}") n_bar=$(head -c $bar_length < /dev/zero | tr '\0' '=') # Kill the previous notification killall notify-osd notify-send "Brightness: ${new_percent}%" "${n_bar} (${new_brightness})" #notify-send "Brightness" "${new_percent}%"