"use strict"; class SnoozeSquad { constructor(options) { this.range = 1; this.attributeName = "data-src"; this.updateInterval = 250; for (let optionKey in options) this[optionKey] = options[optionKey]; this.querySelector = `[${this.attributeName}]`; this.lastUpdateTime = 0; this.start(); } start() { // Passive event listener check from // https://github.com/WICG/EventListenerOptions/blob/gh-pages/explainer.md var supportsPassiveEvents = false; try { var opts = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', { get: function() { supportsPassiveEvents = true; } }); window.addEventListener("test", null, opts); } catch (e) {} window.addEventListener("scroll", (function(event) { if((+new Date()) - this.lastUpdateTime > this.updateInterval) this.update(); }).bind(this), supportsPassiveEvents ? { passive: true } : false); } update() { this.lastUpdateTime = +new Date(); //console.log("Updating"); var snoozingElements = this.getSnoozingElements(); for (let element of snoozingElements) { if(this.isElementInRange(element)) this.wakeUpElement(element); } } getSnoozingElements() { return document.querySelectorAll(this.querySelector); } isElementInRange(element) { var bounds = element.getBoundingClientRect(), range = this.range * window.innerHeight; if(bounds.bottom > -range && bounds.top < window.innerHeight + range && bounds.right > -range && bounds.left < window.innerWidth + range) { return true; } return false; } wakeUpElement(element) { var attr = this.attributeName.replace("data-", ""); if(element.dataset.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { //console.info("Woke up element", element); element.src = element.dataset[attr]; } else { //console.warn(`Failed to wake up element (no ${attr} attribute present)`); } } }