### SnoozeSquad Makefile ### # The target output file TargetFile = SnoozeSquad.min.js # Set the default make goal .DEFAULT_GOAL = build # Installs the neccesary dependencies to begin development. # Currently linux only, but it's so simple you should be able to figure windows # out easily. setup: @echo [SnoozeSquad/Setup] Installing UglifyJS \(Harmony\) sudo npm install uglify-js-harmony --global # The default make target. This minifies SnoozeSquad.js to SnoozeSquad.min.js. build: cat HeaderComment.js >$(TargetFile) uglifyjs SnoozeSquad.js --mangle --compress --screw-ie8 >>$(TargetFile) @echo [SnoozeSquad/Build] Minified Snooze Squad to $(TargetFile) @echo [SnoozeSquad/Build] $$(ls -lh SnoozeSquad.js | cut -d ' ' -f 5) --\> $$(ls -lh SnoozeSquad.min.js | cut -d ' ' -f 5) @echo '*** Build Complete ***'