using System; namespace Salamander.Core.Helpers { public static class Ansi { /// /// Whether we should *actually* emit ANSI escape codes or not. /// Useful when we want to output to a log file, for example. /// public static bool Enabled { get; set; } = true; // Solution on how to output ANSI escape codes in C# from here: // public static string Reset => Enabled ? "\u001b[0m" : ""; public static string HiCol => Enabled ? "\u001b[1m" : ""; public static string Underline => Enabled ? "\u001b[4m" : ""; public static string Inverse => Enabled ? "\u001b[7m" : ""; public static string FBlack => Enabled ? "\u001b[30m" : ""; public static string FRed => Enabled ? "\u001b[31m" : ""; public static string FGreen => Enabled ? "\u001b[32m" : ""; public static string FYellow => Enabled ? "\u001b[33m" : ""; public static string FBlue => Enabled ? "\u001b[34m" : ""; public static string FMagenta => Enabled ? "\u001b[35m" : ""; public static string FCyan => Enabled ? "\u001b[36m" : ""; public static string FWhite => Enabled ? "\u001b[37m" : ""; public static string BBlack => Enabled ? "\u001b[40m" : ""; public static string BRed => Enabled ? "\u001b[41m" : ""; public static string BGreen => Enabled ? "\u001b[42m" : ""; public static string BYellow => Enabled ? "\u001b[43m" : ""; public static string BBlue => Enabled ? "\u001b[44m" : ""; public static string BMagenta => Enabled ? "\u001b[45m" : ""; public static string BCyan => Enabled ? "\u001b[46m" : ""; public static string BWhite => Enabled ? "\u001b[47m" : ""; // Thanks to for the following ANSI escape sequences public static string Up(int lines = 1) => Enabled ? $"\u001b[{lines}A" : ""; public static string Down(int lines = 1) => Enabled ? $"\u001b[{lines}B" : ""; public static string Right(int lines = 1) => Enabled ? $"\u001b[{lines}C" : ""; public static string Left(int lines = 1) => Enabled ? $"\u001b[{lines}D" : ""; //public static string JumpTo(Vector2 pos) => $"\u001b[{pos.Y};{pos.X}H" : ""; public static string CursorPosSave => Enabled ? $"\u001b[s" : ""; public static string CursorPosRestore => Enabled ? $"\u001b[u" : ""; } }