<?php $start_time = microtime(true); function logstr($str, $newline = true, $showtime = true) { global $start_time; if($showtime) echo("[ " . round(microtime(true) - $start_time, 4) . " ] "); echo($str); if($newline) echo("\n"); } function removeouterphptags($phpcode) { $firstindex = strpos($phpcode, "\n", strpos($phpcode, "<?php")); $lastindex = strrpos($phpcode, "?>"); return substr($phpcode, $firstindex, $lastindex - $firstindex); } header("content-type: text/plain"); // Protects against users wiping the settings if run via CGI logstr("Checking for existing build....", false); if(file_exists("index.php")) { log_str("fail!", true, false); log_str("A build already exists in this directory."); log_str("Please delete it and then run this script again."); exit(); } logstr("pass - no other builds were found.", true, false); logstr("Reading `core.php`...", false); $build = file_get_contents("core.php"); logstr("done", true, false); logstr("Reading `settings.fragment.php`...", false); $settings = removeouterphptags(file_get_contents("settings.fragment.php")); logstr("done", true, false); logstr("Building.....", false); $build = str_replace([ "{settings}" ], [ $settings ], $build); logstr("done", true, false); logstr("Writing build....", false); file_put_contents("index.php", $build); logstr("done!", true, false); logstr("*** Build Completed ***");