<?php register_module([ "name" => "Sidebar", "version" => "0.1", "author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs", "description" => "", "id" => "extra-sidebar", "code" => function() { $show_sidebar = false; // Show the sidebar if it is enabled in the settings if(isset($settings->sidebar_show) && $settings->sidebar_show === true) $show_sidebar = true; // Also show and persist the sidebar if the special GET parameter // sidebar is seet if(!$show_sidebar && isset($_GET["sidebar"])) { $show_sidebar = true; // Set a cookie to persist the display of the sidebar setcookie("sidebar_show", "true", 60 * 60 * 24 * 30); } // Show the sidebar if the cookie is set if(!$show_sidebar && isset($_COOKIE["sidebar_show"])) $show_sidebar = true; // Delete the cookie and hide the sidebar if the special GET paramter // nosidebar is set if(isset($_GET["nosidebar"])) { $show_sidebar = false; unset($_COOKIE["sidebar_show"]); setcookie("sidebar_show", null, time() - 3600); } page_renderer::register_part_preprocessor(function(&$parts) use ($show_sidebar) { global $settings; if($show_sidebar) { // Show the sidebar $sidebar_contents = "Testing"; $parts["{body}"] = "<aside class='sidebar'>$sidebar_contents</aside> <div>" . $parts["{body}"] . "</div>"; } }); } ]); ?>