# Features Pepperminty Wiki has actually acquired a rather extensive feature set. - Configurable settings - Via `peppermint.json` - GUI available for moderators - First-run wizard to help with basic configuration (since v0.19) - User login system - Graphical user management table for moderators - Page creation - Subpages fully supported - Markdown-powered syntax - Powered by [Parsedown Extra](https://github.com/erusev/parsedown-extra/) (with [Parsedown Extreme](https://github.com/BenjaminHoegh/parsedown-extreme)), with additional extras - Short syntax for: - Referencing uploaded files - Internal Links - links to non-existent pages show up in red - Templating support - Additional syntax for resizing and floating images (see inbuilt help page) - File galleries - Client-side mathematical expression parsing, courtesy of [MathJax](https://www.mathjax.org/) [optional] - Full page revision history (comparison / manipulation coming soon) - Optional time-delayed search indexing - Simple edit conflict detection - Edit previewing (since v0.14, thanks to @ikisler) - Printable page view - Customisable theme + theme gallery (new in v0.20!) - ~~Basic 'search' bar~~ A full-text search engine (since v0.13), with high-performance advanced query syntax (since v0.20)! - Dynamic server-side suggestions (since v0.13) - Sidebar with a tree of all the current pages [optional] - Page tags - Page lists - List of all pages - List of all tags - List of pages with a given tag - List of recent changes - Inbuilt help page - Dynamic - modules can add their own sections to it - File upload and preview - Simple syntax for including media in a page (explanation on help page) - Page protection - Simple user settings page - Set email address - Change password - Threaded page comments (since v0.14) - Statistics system - can be extended by modules (since v0.15) - Should be fully accessible (screen readers etc) - [open an issue](https://github.com/sbrl/Pepperminty-Wiki/issues/new) if you encounter any problems - Customisable module based system - Allows you to add or remove features at will