"Uploader", "version" => "0.3", "author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs", "description" => "Adds the ability to upload files to Pepperminty Wiki. Uploaded files act as pages and have the special 'File:' prefix.", "id" => "feature-upload", "code" => function() { global $settings; add_action("upload", function() { global $settings, $env, $pageindex, $paths; switch($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]) { case "GET": // Send upload page if(!$settings->upload_enabled) exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Disabled - $setting->sitename", "

You can't upload anything at the moment because $settings->sitename has uploads disabled. Try contacting " . $settings->admindetails["name"] . ", your site Administrator. Go back.

")); if(!$env->is_logged_in) exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "

You are not currently logged in, so you can't upload anything.

Try logging in first.

")); exit(page_renderer::render("Upload - $settings->sitename", "

Select an image below, and then type a name for it in the box. This server currently supports uploads up to " . human_filesize(get_max_upload_size()) . " in size.

$settings->sitename currently supports uploading of the following file types: " . implode(", ", $settings->upload_allowed_file_types) . ".

")); break; case "POST": // Recieve file // Make sure uploads are enabled if(!$settings->upload_enabled) { unlink($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]); http_response_code(412); exit(page_renderer::render("Upload failed - $settings->sitename", "

Your upload couldn't be processed because uploads are currently disabled on $settings->sitename. Go back to the main page.

")); } // Make sure that the user is logged in if(!$env->is_logged_in) { unlink($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]); http_response_code(401); exit(page_renderer::render("Upload failed - $settings->sitename", "

Your upload couldn't be processed because you are not logged in.

Try logging in first.")); } // Calculate the target ename, removing any characters we // are unsure about. $target_name = makepathsafe($_POST["name"]); $temp_filename = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]; $mimechecker = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $mime_type = finfo_file($mimechecker, $temp_filename); finfo_close($mimechecker); // Perform appropriate checks based on the *real* filetype switch(substr($mime_type, 0, strpos($mime_type, "/"))) { case "image": $extra_data = []; $imagesize = getimagesize($temp_filename, $extra_data); // Make sure that the image size is defined if(!is_int($imagesize[0]) or !is_int($imagesize[1])) { http_response_code(415); exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "

The file that you uploaded doesn't appear to be an image. $settings->sitename currently only supports uploading images (videos coming soon). Go back to try again.

")); } break; case "video": http_response_code(501); exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "

You uploaded a video, but $settings->sitename doesn't support them yet. Please try again later.

")); default: http_response_code(415); exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "

You uploaded an unnknown file type which couldn't be processed. $settings->sitename thinks that the file you uploaded was a(n) '$mime_type', which isn't supported.

")); } $file_extension = system_mime_type_extension($mime_type); $new_filename = "$paths->upload_file_prefix$target_name.$file_extension"; $new_description_filename = "$new_filename.md"; if(isset($pageindex->$new_filename)) exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "

A page or file has already been uploaded with the name '$new_filename'. Try deleting it first. If you do not have permission to delete things, try contacting one of the moderators.

")); if(!file_exists("Files")) mkdir("Files", 0664); if(!move_uploaded_file($temp_filename, $env->storage_prefix . $new_filename)) { http_response_code(409); exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "

The file you uploaded was valid, but $settings->sitename couldn't verify that it was tampered with during the upload process. This probably means that $settings->sitename has been attacked. Please contact " . $settings->admindetails . ", your $settings->sitename Administrator.

")); } $description = $_POST["description"]; // Escape the raw html in the provided description if the setting is enabled if($settings->clean_raw_html) $description = htmlentities($description, ENT_QUOTES); file_put_contents($env->storage_prefix . $new_description_filename, $description); // Construct a new entry for the pageindex $entry = new stdClass(); // Point to the description's filepath since this property // should point to a markdown file $entry->filename = $new_description_filename; $entry->size = strlen($description); $entry->lastmodified = time(); $entry->lasteditor = $env->user; $entry->uploadedfile = true; $entry->uploadedfilepath = $new_filename; $entry->uploadedfilemime = $mime_type; // Add the new entry to the pageindex // Assign the new entry to the image's filepath as that // should be the page name. $pageindex->$new_filename = $entry; // Save the pageindex file_put_contents($paths->pageindex, json_encode($pageindex, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); header("location: ?action=view&page=$new_filename&upload=success"); break; } }); add_action("preview", function() { global $settings, $env, $pageindex; $filepath = $env->storage_prefix . $pageindex->{$env->page}->uploadedfilepath; $mime_type = $pageindex->{$env->page}->uploadedfilemime; if(isset($_GET["size"]) and $_GET["size"] == "original") { // Get the file size $filesize = filesize($filepath); // Send some headers header("content-length: $filesize"); header("content-type: $mime_type"); // Open the file and send it to the user $handle = fopen($filepath, "rb"); fpassthru($handle); fclose($handle); exit(); } // Determine the target size of the image $target_size = 512; if(isset($_GET["size"])) $target_size = intval($_GET["size"]); if($target_size < $settings->min_preview_size) $target_size = $settings->min_preview_size; if($target_size > $settings->max_preview_size) $target_size = $settings->max_preview_size; // Determine the output file type $output_mime = $settings->preview_file_type; if(isset($_GET["type"]) and in_array($_GET["type"], [ "image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/webp" ])) $output_mime = $_GET["type"]; switch(substr($mime_type, 0, strpos($mime_type, "/"))) { case "image": $image = false; switch($mime_type) { case "image/jpeg": $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath); break; case "image/gif": $image = imagecreatefromgif($filepath); break; case "image/png": $image = imagecreatefrompng($filepath); break; case "image/webp": $image = imagecreatefromwebp($filepath); break; default: http_response_code(415); $image = errorimage("Unsupported image type."); break; } $raw_width = imagesx($image); $raw_height = imagesy($image); $preview_image = resize_image($image, $target_size); header("content-type: $output_mime"); switch($output_mime) { case "image/jpeg": imagejpeg($preview_image); break; case "image/png": imagepng($preview_image); break; default: case "image/webp": imagewebp($preview_image); break; } imagedestroy($preview_image); break; default: http_response_code(501); exit("Unrecognised file type."); } }); page_renderer::register_part_preprocessor(function(&$parts) { global $pageindex, $env, $settings; // Todo add the preview to the top of the page here, but only if the current action is view and we are on a page that is a file if(isset($pageindex->{$env->page}->uploadedfile) and $pageindex->{$env->page}->uploadedfile == true) { // We are looking at a page that is paired with an uploaded file $filepath = $pageindex->{$env->page}->uploadedfilepath; $mime_type = $pageindex->{$env->page}->uploadedfilemime; $dimensions = getimagesize($env->storage_prefix . $filepath); $preview_sizes = [ 256, 512, 768, 1024, 1440 ]; $preview_html = "

File Information

Name" . str_replace("File/", "", $filepath) . "
Size" . human_filesize(filesize($filepath)) . "
Original dimensions$dimensions[0] x $dimensions[1]
Uploaded by" . $pageindex->{$env->page}->lasteditor . "


"; $parts["{content}"] = str_replace("", "\n$preview_html", $parts["{content}"]); } }); // Register a section on the help page on uploading files add_help_section("28-uploading-files", "Uploading Files", "

$settings->sitename supports the uploading of files, though it is up to " . $admindetails["name"] . ", $settings->sitename's administrator as to whether it is enabled or not (uploads are currently " . (($settings->upload_enabled) ? "enabled" : "disabled") . ").

Currently Pepperminty Wiki (the software that $settings->sitename uses) only supports the uploading of images, although more file types should be supported in the future (open an issue on GitHub if you are interested in support for more file types).

Uploading a file is actually quite simple. Click the "Upload" option in the "More..." menu to go to the upload page. The upload page will tell you what types of file $settings->sitename allows, and the maximum supported filesize for files that you upload (this is usually set by the web server that the wiki is running on).

Use the file chooser to select the file that you want to upload, and then decide on a name for it. Note that the name that you choose should not include the file extension, as this will be determined automatically. Enter a description that will appear on the file's page, and then click upload.

"); } ]); //// Pair of functions to calculate the actual maximum upload size supported by the server //// Lifted from Drupal by @meustrus from Stackoverflow. Link to answer: //// http://stackoverflow.com/a/25370978/1460422 // Returns a file size limit in bytes based on the PHP upload_max_filesize // and post_max_size function get_max_upload_size() { static $max_size = -1; if ($max_size < 0) { // Start with post_max_size. $max_size = parse_size(ini_get('post_max_size')); // If upload_max_size is less, then reduce. Except if upload_max_size is // zero, which indicates no limit. $upload_max = parse_size(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); if ($upload_max > 0 && $upload_max < $max_size) { $max_size = $upload_max; } } return $max_size; } function parse_size($size) { $unit = preg_replace('/[^bkmgtpezy]/i', '', $size); // Remove the non-unit characters from the size. $size = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.]/', '', $size); // Remove the non-numeric characters from the size. if ($unit) { // Find the position of the unit in the ordered string which is the power of magnitude to multiply a kilobyte by. return round($size * pow(1024, stripos('bkmgtpezy', $unit[0]))); } else { return round($size); } } function errorimage($text) { $width = 640; $height = 480; $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); imagefill($image, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate($image, 238, 232, 242)); // Set the background to #eee8f2 $fontwidth = imagefontwidth(3); imagetext($image, 3, ($width / 2) - (($fontwidth * strlen($text)) / 2), ($height / 2) - (imagefontheight(3) / 2), $text, imagecolorallocate($image, 17, 17, 17) // #111111 ); return $image; } function resize_image($image, $size) { $cur_width = imagesx($image); $cur_height = imagesy($image); if($cur_width < $size and $cur_height < $size) return $image; $width_ratio = $size / $cur_width; $height_ratio = $size / $cur_height; $ratio = min($width_ratio, $height_ratio); $new_height = floor($cur_height * $ratio); $new_width = floor($cur_width * $ratio); header("x-resize-to: $new_width x $new_height\n"); return imagescale($image, $new_width, $new_height); } ?>