	"name" => "Credits",
	"version" => "0.6",
	"author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
	"description" => "Adds the credits page. You *must* have this module :D",
	"id" => "page-credits",
	"code" => function() {
		add_action("credits", function() {
			global $settings, $version, $pageindex, $modules;
			$credits = [
				"Code" => [
					"author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
					"author_url" => "https://starbeamrmainbowlabs.com/",
					"thing_url" => "https://github.com/sbrl/Pepprminty-Wiki"
				"Slightly modified version of Slimdown" => [
					"author" => "Johnny Broadway",
					"author_url" => "https://github.com/jbroadway",
					"thing_url" => "https://gist.github.com/jbroadway/2836900"
				"Default Favicon" => [
					"author" => "bluefrog23",
					"author_url" => "https://openclipart.org/user-detail/bluefrog23/",
					"thing_url" => "https://openclipart.org/detail/19571/peppermint-candy-by-bluefrog23"
				"Bug Reports" => [
					"author" => "nibreh",
					"author_url" => "https://github.com/nibreh/",
					"thing_url" => ""
			$credits_html = "<ul>\n";
			foreach($credits as $thing => $author_details)
				$credits_html .= "	<li>";
				$credits_html .= "<a href='" . $author_details["thing_url"] . "'>$thing</a> by ";
				$credits_html .= "<a href='" . $author_details["author_url"] . "'>" . $author_details["author"] . "</a>";
				$credits_html .= "</li>\n";
			$credits_html .= "</ul>";
			$title = "Credits - $settings->sitename";
			$content = "<h1>$settings->sitename credits</h1>
	<p>$settings->sitename is powered by Pepperminty Wiki - an entire wiki packed inside a single file, which was built by <a href='//starbeamrainbowlabs.com'>Starbeamrainbowlabs</a>, and can be found <a href='//github.com/sbrl/Pepperminty-Wiki/'>on GitHub</a> (contributors will ablso be listed here in the future).</p>
	<h2>Main Credits</h2>
	<h2>Site status</h2>
		<tr><th>Site name:</th><td>$settings->sitename (<a href='?action=update'>Update - Administrators only</a>, <a href='?action=export'>Export as zip - Check for permission first</a>)</td></tr>
		<tr><th>Pepperminty Wiki version:</th><td>$version</td></tr>
		<tr><th>Number of pages:</th><td>" . count(get_object_vars($pageindex)) . "</td></tr>
		<tr><th>Number of modules:</th><td>" . count($modules) . "</td></tr>
			exit(page_renderer::render_main($title, $content));
