<?php register_module([ "name" => "Similar Pages", "version" => "0.1", "author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs", "description" => "Adds a few suggestions of similar pages below the main content and above the comments of a page. Requires the search engine.", "id" => "feature-similarpages", "depends" => [ "lib-search-engine", "feature-search" ], "code" => function() { global $settings; /** * @api {get} ?action=suggest-similar&page={pageName} Get similar page suggestions * @apiName SuggestSimilar * @apiGroup Page * @apiPermission Anonymous * * @apiParam {string} page The page to return suggestions for. */ /* * ███████ ██ ██ ██████ ██████ ███████ ███████ ████████ * ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ * ███████ ██ ██ ██ ███ ██ ███ █████ ███████ ██ * ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ * ███████ ██████ ██████ ██████ ███████ ███████ ██ * * ███████ ██ ███ ███ ██ ██ █████ ██████ * ██ ██ ████ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ * ███████ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██████ * ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ * ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ */ add_action("suggest-similar", function() { global $pageindex, $env; $format = $_GET["format"] ?? "text"; // TODO: Supportr history revisions here? $env->page_filename might do this for us - we should check into the behaviour here $similarpages = similar_suggest( $env->page, file_get_contents($env->page_filename) ); switch ($format) { case "text": header("content-type: text/plain"); foreach($similarpages as $pagename => $rank) { echo("$pagename | $rank\n"); } break; case "csv": header("content-type: text/csv"); echo("pagename,rank\n"); foreach($similarpages as $pagename => $rank) echo("$pagename,$rank\n"); break; case "json": header("content-type: application/json"); echo(json_encode($similarpages)); default: http_response_code(400); header("content-type: text/plain"); exit("Error: The format $format wasn't recognised.\nAvailable formats for this action: text, json, csv"); break; } }); page_renderer::register_part_preprocessor(function(&$parts) { global $env; if($env->action !== "view") return; $html = "<aside class='similar-page-suggestions'><h2>Similar Pages</h2>\n\t\t<ul class='similar-page-suggestions-list'>\n"; $start_time = microtime(true); $suggestions = similar_suggest( $env->page, file_get_contents($env->page_filename) ); $env->perfdata->similar_suggest = round((microtime(true) - $start_time) * 1000, 2); foreach($suggestions as $suggested_pagename => $rank) $html .= "<li data-rank='$rank'><a href='?page=".rawurlencode($suggested_pagename)."'>".htmlentities($suggested_pagename)."</a></li>\n"; $html .= "</ul>\n\t\t<!-- Took {$env->perfdata->similar_suggest}ms to compute similar page suggestions -->\n\t\t</aside>\n"; $parts["{extra}"] = $html . $parts["{extra}"]; }); } ]); /** * Given a page name, returns a list fo similar pages. * @param string $pagename The name of the page to return suggestions for. * @param string $content The content of the given page. * @return array A list of suggested page names in the format pagename => rank. */ function similar_suggest(string $pagename, string $content, bool $limit_output = true) : array { global $settings; $content_search = search::$literator->transliterate($content); $index = search::index_generate($content_search); $title_tokens = search::tokenize($pagename); foreach($title_tokens as $token) { if(in_array($token, search::$stop_words)) continue; $index[$token] = [ "freq" => 10000, "fromtitle" => true ]; } search::index_sort_freq($index, true); search::invindex_load(); $our_pageid = ids::getid($pagename); $pages = []; $max_count = -1; $i = 0; foreach($index as $term => $data) { // Only search the top 20% most common words // Stop words are skipped automagically // if($i > $max_count * 0.2) break; // Skip words shorter than 3 characters if(strlen($term) < 3) continue; // if($i > 10) break; // If this one is less than 0.2x the max frequency count, break out if(!isset($data["fromtitle"])) $max_count = max($max_count, $data["freq"]); if($data["freq"] < $max_count * 0.2 || $data["freq"] <= 1) break; // Check is it's present just in case (todo figure out if it's necessary) if(!search::invindex_term_exists($term)) continue; $otherpages = search::invindex_term_getpageids($term); foreach($otherpages as $pageid) { if($pageid == $our_pageid) continue; if(!isset($pages[$pageid])) $pages[$pageid] = 0; $amount = search::invindex_term_getoffsets($term, $pageid)->freq; if(isset($data["fromtitle"])) $amount *= 5; $pages[$pageid] += $amount; } $i++; } arsort($pages, SORT_NUMERIC); $result = []; $i = 0; foreach($pages as $pageid => $count) { if($limit_output && $i >= $settings->similarpages_count) break; $result[ids::getpagename($pageid)] = $count; $i++; } return $result; } ?>