<?php if(php_sapi_name() == "cli") { echo("*** Beginning main build sequence ***\n"); echo("Reading in module index...\n"); } $module_index = json_decode(file_get_contents("module_index.json")); $module_list = []; foreach($module_index as $module) { // If the module is optional, the module's id isn't present in the command line arguments, and the special 'all' module id wasn't passed in, skip it if($module->optional && ( isset($argv) && strrpos(implode(" ", $argv), $module->id) === false && !in_array("all", $argv) ) ) continue; $module_list[] = $module->id; } if(isset($_GET["modules"])) { $module_list = explode(",", $_GET["modules"]); } if(php_sapi_name() != "cli") { header("content-type: text/php"); } if(php_sapi_name() == "cli") echo("Reading in core files..."); $core = file_get_contents("core.php"); $settings = file_get_contents("settings.fragment.php"); $settings = str_replace([ "<?php", "?>" ], "", $settings); $core = str_replace([ "{settings}", "{version}" ], [ $settings, trim(file_get_contents("version")) ], $core); $result = $core; foreach($module_list as $module_id) { if($module_id == "") continue; if(php_sapi_name() == "cli") echo("Adding $module_id\n"); $module_filepath = "modules/" . preg_replace("[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]", "", $module_id) . ".php"; //echo("id: $module_id | filepath: $module_filepath\n"); if(!file_exists($module_filepath)) { http_response_code(400); exit("Failed to load module with name: $module_filepath"); } $modulecode = file_get_contents($module_filepath); $modulecode = str_replace([ "<?php", "?>" ], "", $modulecode); $result = str_replace( "// %next_module% //", "$modulecode\n// %next_module% //", $result); } if(php_sapi_name() == "cli") { if(file_exists("build/index.php")) { echo("index.php already exists in the build folder, exiting\n"); exit(1); } else { echo("Done. Saving to disk..."); file_put_contents("build/index.php", $result); echo("complete!\n"); echo("*** Build completed! ***\n"); } } else { exit($result); } ?>