"Random Page", "version" => "0.2", "author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs", "description" => "Adds an action called 'random' that redirects you to a random page.", "id" => "action-random", "code" => function() { global $settings; /** * @api {get} ?action=random[&mode={mode}] Redirects to a random page. * @apiName RawSource * @apiGroup Page * @apiPermission Anonymous * * @apiParam {string} mode The view mode to redirect to. This parameter is basically just passed through to the direct - it works in the same way as the mode parameter on the _view_ action does. */ add_action("random", function() { global $pageindex; $mode = preg_replace("/[^a-z-_]/i", "", $_GET["mode"] ?? ""); $pageNames = array_keys(get_object_vars($pageindex)); // Filter out pages we shouldn't send the user to $pageNames = array_values(array_filter($pageNames, function($pagename) { global $settings; return preg_match($settings->random_page_exclude, $pagename) === 0 ? true : false; })); $randomPageName = $pageNames[array_rand($pageNames)]; http_response_code(307); $redirect_url = "?page=" . rawurlencode($randomPageName); if(!empty($mode)) $redirect_url .= "&mode=$mode"; header("location: $redirect_url"); }); add_help_section("26-random-redirect", "Jumping to a random page", "

$settings->sitename has a function that can send you to a random page. To use it, click here. $settings->admindetails_name ($settings->sitename's adminstrator) may have added it to one of the menus.

"); } ]); ?>