* #8 - Rogue tag - nibreh
parameter string
must be specified.
It is strongly recommended that you utilise this page via a private or incognito window in order to prevent your password from appearing in your browser history.
")); } else { exit(page_renderer::render_main("Hashed string", "" . $_GET["string"] . "
→ " . hash("sha256", $_GET["string"] . "
$settings->sitename is powered by Pepperminty Wiki - an entire wiki packed inside a single file, which was built by Starbeamrainbowlabs, and can be found on GitHub (contributors will ablso be listed here in the future).
Site name: | $settings->sitename (Update - Administrators only, Export as zip - Check for permission first) |
Pepperminty Wiki version: | $version |
Number of pages: | " . count(get_object_vars($pageindex)) . " |
Number of modules: | " . count($modules) . " |
You tried to delete $page, but editing is disabled on this wiki.
If you wish to delete this page, please re-enable editing on this wiki first.
Nothing has been changed.
")); } if(!$isadmin) { exit(page_renderer::render_main("Deleting $page - error", "You tried to delete $page, but you are not an admin so you don't have permission to do that.
You should try logging in as an admin.
")); } if(!isset($_GET["delete"]) or $_GET["delete"] !== "yes") { exit(page_renderer::render_main("Deleting $page", "You are about to delete $page. You can't undo this!
Click here to go back.")); } unset($pageindex->$page); //delete the page from the page index file_put_contents("./pageindex.json", json_encode($pageindex, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); //save the new page index unlink("./$page.md"); //delete the page from the disk exit(page_renderer::render_main("Deleting $page - $settings->sitename", "
$page has been deleted. Go back to the main page.
")); }); } ]); register_module([ "name" => "Page editor", "version" => "0.8", "author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs", "description" => "Allows you to edit pages by adding the edit and save actions. You should probably include this one.", "id" => "page-edit", "code" => function() { /* * _ _ _ * ___ __| (_) |_ * / _ \/ _` | | __| * | __/ (_| | | |_ * \___|\__,_|_|\__| * %edit% */ add_action("edit", function() { global $pageindex, $settings, $page, $isloggedin; $filename = "$page.md"; $creatingpage = !isset($pageindex->$page); if((isset($_GET["newpage"]) and $_GET["newpage"] == "true") or $creatingpage) { $title = "Creating $page"; } else { $title = "Editing $page"; } $pagetext = ""; if(isset($pageindex->$page)) { $pagetext = file_get_contents($filename); } if((!$isloggedin and !$settings->anonedits) or !$settings->editing) { if(!$creatingpage) { // The page already exists - let the user view the page source exit(page_renderer::render_main("Viewing source for $page", "$settings->sitename does not allow anonymous users to make edits. You can view the source of $page below, but you can't edit it.
")); } else { http_response_code(404); exit(page_renderer::render_main("404 - $page", "The page $page
does not exist, but you do not have permission to create it.
If you haven't already, perhaps you should try logging in.
")); } } $content = "Warning: You are not logged in! Your IP address may be recorded.
"; } $content .= ""; exit(page_renderer::render_main("$title - $settings->sitename", $content)); }); /* * * ___ __ ___ _____ * / __|/ _` \ \ / / _ \ * \__ \ (_| |\ V / __/ * |___/\__,_| \_/ \___| * %save% */ add_action("save", function() { global $pageindex, $settings, $page, $isloggedin, $user; if(!$settings->editing) { header("location: index.php?page=$page"); exit(page_renderer::render_main("Error saving edit", "Editing is currently disabled on this wiki.
")); } if(!$isloggedin and !$settings->anonedits) { http_response_code(403); header("refresh: 5; url=index.php?page=$page"); exit("You are not logged in, so you are not allowed to save pages on $settings->sitename. Redirecting in 5 seconds...."); } if(!isset($_POST["content"])) { http_response_code(400); header("refresh: 5; url=index.php?page=$page"); exit("Bad request: No content specified."); } // Make sure that the directory in which the page needs to be saved exists if(!is_dir(dirname("$page.md"))) { // Recursively create the directory if needed mkdir(dirname("$page.md"), null, true); } if(file_put_contents("$page.md", htmlentities($_POST["content"]), ENT_QUOTES) !== false) { // Make sure that this page's parents exist check_subpage_parents($page); //update the page index if(!isset($pageindex->$page)) { $pageindex->$page = new stdClass(); $pageindex->$page->filename = "$page.md"; } $pageindex->$page->size = strlen($_POST["content"]); $pageindex->$page->lastmodified = time(); if($isloggedin) $pageindex->$page->lasteditor = utf8_encode($user); else $pageindex->$page->lasteditor = utf8_encode("anonymous"); file_put_contents("./pageindex.json", json_encode($pageindex, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); if(isset($_GET["newpage"])) http_response_code(201); else http_response_code(200); header("location: index.php?page=$page&edit_status=success"); exit(); } else { http_response_code(507); exit(page_renderer::render_main("Error saving page - $settings->sitename", "$settings->sitename failed to write your changes to the disk. Your changes have not been saved, but you might be able to recover your edit by pressing the back button in your browser.
Please tell the administrator of this wiki (" . $settings->admindetails["name"] . ") about this problem.
")); } }); } ]); register_module([ "name" => "Export", "version" => "0.1", "author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs", "description" => "Adds a page that you can use to export your wiki as a .zip file. Uses \$settings->export_only_allow_admins, which controls whether only admins are allowed to export the wiki.", "id" => "page-export", "code" => function() { add_action("export", function() { global $settings, $pageindex, $isadmin; if($settings->export_allow_only_admins && !$isadmin) { http_response_code(401); exit(page_renderer::render("Export error - $settings->sitename", "Only administrators of $settings->sitename are allowed to export the wiki as a zip. Return to the $settings->defaultpage.")); } $tmpfilename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "pepperminty-wiki-"); $zip = new ZipArchive(); if($zip->open($tmpfilename, ZipArchive::CREATE) !== true) { http_response_code(507); exit(page_renderer::render("Export error - $settings->sitename", "Pepperminty Wiki was unable to open a temporary file to store the exported data in. Please contact $settings->sitename's administrator (" . $settings->admindetails["name"] . " at " . hide_email($settings->admindetails["email"]) . ") for assistance.")); } foreach($pageindex as $entry) { $zip->addFile("./$entry->filename", $entry->filename); } if($zip->close() !== true) { http_response_code(500); exit(page_renderer::render("Export error - $settings->sitename", "Pepperminty wiki was unable to close the temporary zip file after creating it. Please contact $settings->sitename's administrator (" . $settings->admindetails["name"] . " at " . hide_email($settings->admindetails["email"]) . ") for assistance.")); } header("content-type: application/zip"); header("content-disposition: attachment; filename=$settings->sitename-export.zip"); header("content-length: " . filesize($tmpfilename)); $zip_handle = fopen($tmpfilename, "rb"); fpassthru($zip_handle); fclose($zip_handle); unlink($tmpfilename); }); } ]); register_module([ "name" => "Help page", "version" => "0.6", "author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs", "description" => "Adds the help action. You really want this one.", "id" => "page-help", "code" => function() { add_action("help", function() { global $settings, $version; $title = "Help - $settings->sitename"; $content = "Welcome to $settings->sitename!
$settings->sitename is powered by Pepperminty wiki, a complete wiki in a box you can drop into your server.
All the navigation links can be found in the top right corner, along with a box in which you can type a page name and hit enter to be taken to that page (if your site administrator has enabled it).
In order to edit pages on $settings->sitename, you probably need to be logged in. If you do not already have an account you will need to ask $settings->sitename's administrator for an account since there is not registration form. Note that the $settings->sitename's administrator may have changed these settings to allow anonymous edits.
$settings->sitename's editor uses a modified version of slimdown, a flavour of markdown that is implementated using regular expressions. See the credits page for more information and links to the original source for this. A quick reference can be found below:
Type This | To get this |
_italics_ | italics |
*bold* | bold |
~~Strikethrough~~ | |
`code` | code |
# Heading | Heading |
## Sub Heading | Sub Heading |
[[Internal Link]] | Internal Link |
[[Display Text|Internal Link]] | Display Text |
[Display text](//google.com/) | Display Text |
> Blockquote | Blockquote |
- Apples |
1. This is |
| |
 | ![]() |
In addition, the following extra syntax is supported for images:
Size the image to at most 250 pixels wide:

Size the image to at most 120px wide and have it float at the right ahnd size of the page:

By default, the delete
and move
actions are shown on the nav bar. These can be used by administrators to delete or move pages.
The other thing admininistrators can do is update the wiki (provided they know the site's secret). This page can be found here: Update $settings->sitename.
$settings->sitename is currently running on Pepperminty Wiki $version
Page Name | Size | Last Editor | Last Edit Time |
$pagename | " . human_filesize($pagedetails->size) . " | $pagedetails->lasteditor | " . human_time_since($pagedetails->lastmodified) . " (" . date("l jS \of F Y \a\\t h:ia T", $pagedetails->lastmodified) . ") |
Login failed.
\n"; $content .= "\t\t"; exit(page_renderer::render_main($title, $content)); }); /* * _ _ _ _ * ___| |__ ___ ___| | _| | ___ __ _(_)_ __ * / __| '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / |/ _ \ / _` | | '_ \ * | (__| | | | __/ (__| <| | (_) | (_| | | | | | * \___|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\_|\___/ \__, |_|_| |_| * %checklogin% |___/ */ add_action("checklogin", function() { global $settings; //actually do the login if(isset($_POST["user"]) and isset($_POST["pass"])) { //the user wants to log in $user = $_POST["user"]; $pass = $_POST["pass"]; if($settings->users[$user] == hash("sha256", $pass)) { $isloggedin = true; $expiretime = time() + 60*60*24*30; //30 days from now $_SESSION["$settings->sessionprefix-user"] = $user; $_SESSION["$settings->sessionprefix-pass"] = hash("sha256", $pass); $_SESSION["$settings->sessionprefix-expiretime"] = $expiretime; //redirect to wherever the user was going http_response_code(302); if(isset($_POST["goto"])) header("location: " . $_POST["returnto"]); else header("location: index.php"); exit(); } else { http_response_code(302); header("location: index.php?action=login&failed=yes"); exit(); } } else { http_response_code(302); header("location: index.php?action=login&failed=yes&badrequest=yes"); exit(); } }); } ]); register_module([ "name" => "Logout", "version" => "0.5", "author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs", "description" => "Adds an action to let users user out. For security reasons it is wise to add this module since logging in automatically opens a session that is valid for 30 days.", "id" => "page-logout", "code" => function() { add_action("logout", function() { global $user, $pass, $isloggedin; $isloggedin = false; unset($user); unset($pass); //clear the session variables $_SESSION = []; session_destroy(); exit(page_renderer::render_main("Logout Successful", "Logout Successful. You can login again here.
")); }); } ]); register_module([ "name" => "Page mover", "version" => "0.5", "author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs", "description" => "Adds an action to allow administrators to move pages.", "id" => "page-move", "code" => function() { add_action("move", function() { global $pageindex, $settings, $page, $isadmin; if(!$settings->editing) { exit(page_renderer::render_main("Moving $page - error", "You tried to move $page, but editing is disabled on this wiki.
If you wish to move this page, please re-enable editing on this wiki first.
Nothing has been changed.
")); } if(!$isadmin) { exit(page_renderer::render_main("Moving $page - Error", "You tried to move $page, but you do not have permission to do that.
You should try logging in as an admin.
")); } if(!isset($_GET["new_name"]) or strlen($_GET["new_name"]) == 0) exit(page_renderer::render_main("Moving $page", "You tried to move $page to $new_name, but the page with the name $page does not exist in the first place.
Nothing has been changed.
")); if($page == $new_name) exit(page_renderer::render_main("Moving $page - Error", "You tried to move $page, but the new name you gave is the same as it's current name.
It is possible that you tried to use some characters in the new name that are not allowed and were removed.
Page names may only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores.
")); //move the page in the page index $pageindex->$new_name = new stdClass(); foreach($pageindex->$page as $key => $value) { $pageindex->$new_name->$key = $value; } unset($pageindex->$page); file_put_contents("./pageindex.json", json_encode($pageindex, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); //move the page on the disk rename("$page.md", "$new_name.md"); exit(page_renderer::render_main("Moving $page", "$page has been moved to $new_name successfully.
")); }); } ]); register_module([ "name" => "Update", "version" => "0.6", "author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs", "description" => "Adds an update page that downloads the latest stable version of Pepperminty Wiki. This module is currently outdated as it doesn't save your module preferences.", "id" => "page-update", "code" => function() { add_action("update", function() { global $settings, $isadmin; if(!$isadmin) { http_response_code(401); exit(page_renderer::render_main("Update - Error", "You must be an administrator to do that.
")); } if(!isset($_GET["do"]) or $_GET["do"] !== "true") { exit(page_renderer::render_main("Update $settings->sitename", "This page allows you to update $settings->sitename.
Currently, $settings->sitename is using $settings->version of Pepperminty Wiki.
This script will automatically download and install the latest version of Pepperminty Wiki from the url of your choice (see settings), regardless of whether an update is actually needed (version checking isn't implemented yet).
To update $settings->sitename, fill out the form below and click click the update button.
Note that a backup system has not been implemented yet! If this script fails you will loose your wiki's code and have to re-build it.
")); } if(!isset($_GET["secret"]) or $_GET["secret"] !== $settings->sitesecret) { exit(page_renderer::render_main("Update $settings->sitename - Error", "You forgot to enter $settings->sitename's secret code or entered it incorrectly. $settings->sitename's secret can be found in the settings portion of index.php
" . __FILE__ . "
$oldcode = file_get_contents(__FILE__);
$log .= "Fetching new code...";
$newcode = file_get_contents($settings->updateurl);
$log .= "done.\n";
$log .= "Rewriting " . __FILE__ . "
$settings = substr($oldcode, 0, strpos($oldcode, $settings_separator));
$code = substr($newcode, strpos($newcode, $settings_separator));
$result = $settings . $code;
$log .= "done.\n";
$log .= "Saving...";
file_put_contents(__FILE__, $result);
$log .= "done.\n";
$log .= "Update complete. I am now running on the latest version of Pepperminty Wiki.";
$log .= "The version number that I have updated to can be found on the credits or help ages.";
exit(page_renderer::render_main("Update - Success", "$page does not exist.
Since editing is currently disabled on this wiki, you may not create this page. If you feel that this page should exist, try contacting this wiki's Administrator.
")); } } $title = "$page - $settings->sitename"; $content = "\1', // quote '/`(.*?)`/' => '
', // inline code
'/\n\s*(\*|-)(.*)/' => 'self::ul_list', // ul lists
'/\n[0-9]+\.(.*)/' => 'self::ol_list', // ol lists
'/\n(>|\>)(.*)/' => 'self::blockquote', // blockquotes
'/\n-{3,}/' => "\n/' => "\n" // fix extra blockquote ); private static function para ($regs) { $line = $regs[1]; $trimmed = trim ($line); if (preg_match ('/^<\/?(ul|ol|li|h|p|bl)/', $trimmed)) { return "\n" . $line . "\n"; } return sprintf ("\n%s
\n", $trimmed); } private static function ul_list ($regs) { $item = $regs[2]; return sprintf ("\n\n\t
", trim($item)); } private static function ol_list ($regs) { $item = $regs[1]; return sprintf ("\n- %s
", trim($item)); } private static function blockquote ($regs) { $item = $regs[2]; return sprintf ("\n- %s
\n%s", trim($item)); } private static function header ($regs) { list ($tmp, $chars, $header) = $regs; $level = strlen ($chars); return sprintf ('%s ', $level + 1, trim($header), $level + 1); } /** * Add a rule. */ public static function add_rule ($regex, $replacement) { self::$rules[$regex] = $replacement; } /** * Render some Markdown into HTML. */ public static function render ($text) { foreach (self::$rules as $regex => $replacement) { if (is_callable ( $replacement)) { $text = preg_replace_callback ($regex, $replacement, $text); } else { $text = preg_replace ($regex, $replacement, $text); } } return trim ($text); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // %next_module% // // Execute each module's code foreach($modules as $moduledata) { $moduledata["code"](); } // Make sure that the credits page exists if(!isset($actions->credits)) { exit(page_renderer::render_main("Error - $settings->$sitename", "No credits page detected. The credits page is a required module!
")); } // Perform the appropriate action $action_name = strtolower($_GET["action"]); if(isset($actions->$action_name)) { $req_action_data = $actions->$action_name; $req_action_data(); } else { exit(page_renderer::render_main("Error - $settings->sitename", "No action called " . strtolower($_GET["action"]) ." has been registered. Perhaps you are missing a module?
")); } ?>