"First Run Interface", "version" => "0.1", "author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs", "description" => "Provides the first-run interface some thigns might be a be skew-whiff if you don't go through the first-run interface, but if you know what you're doing you shouldn't need this module. Currently in development.", "id" => "action-first-run", "optional" => true, "code" => function() { global $settings; // Force the user to the first-run interface if(!$settings->setup_complete) $env->action = "first-run"; /** * @api {get} ?action=first-run Show the first-run interface * @apiName Hash * @apiGroup Utility * @apiPermission Anonymous */ /* * ███████ ██ ██████ ███████ ████████ ██████ ██ ██ ███ ██ * ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ * █████ ██ ██████ ███████ ██ █████ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ * ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ * ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ████ */ add_action("first-run", function() { global $settings, $paths; $stage = intval($_GET["stage"] ?? 0); $stage_count = 4; // The number of setup stages switch($stage) { case 0: $peppermint_config_url = dirname(full_url()) . "/peppermint.json"; $config_checker = curl_init($peppermint_config_url); curl_setopt($config_checker, CURL_HEADER, true); curl_setopt($config_checker, CURL_NOBODY, true); curl_setopt($config_checker, CURL_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($config_checker, CURL_TIMEOUT, 5); curl_exec($config_checker); $peppermint_config_returnstatus = intval(curl_getinfo($config_checker, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)); if($peppermint_config_returnstatus >= 200 && $peppermint_config_returnstatus < 300) { http_response_code(500); if(!rename($paths->settings_file, "$paths->settings_file.compromised")) { exit(page_renderer::render_minimal("Configuration Error - Pepperminty Wiki", "

0: Configuration Error

Welcome to Pepperminty Wiki! Unforutnately, your setup doesn't appear to be quite right, as not only is your new peppermint.json configuration file exposed to the internet (causing your site's secret to be divulged), but Pepperminty Wiki doesn't appear to have write access to rename it either.

You might need to check the permissions on the directory you've copied Pepperminty Wiki to.

Once you've fixed these issues, simply delete the created peppermint.json file and reload this page.

")); } exit(page_renderer::render_minimal("Security Error - Pepperminty Wiki", "

0: Security Error

Welcome to Pepperminty Wiki! Unforutnately, your setup doesn't appear to be quite right, as your the new peppermint.json configuration file for your brand-new Pepperminty Wiki instance appears to be accessible from the internet. This means that anyone could get a hold of your site secret and password hashes! To protect your installation, it's been moved to peppermint.json.compromised - and you'll need to delete (or move it) out of the way to continue.

Please block access from the internet to this file - Pepperminty Wiki reads it directly from disk.

")); } $content = "

0: Begin!

"; $content .= "

Welcome to Pepperminty Wiki! This page is a first-run page that will be shown just this once (if you want to access it again, visit the first-run action), and will guide you through the setup of your new Pepperminty Wiki instance.

To get started, enter the site secret into the box below to prove that you own the site. It was can found in the peppermint.json file that Pepperminty Wiki has just created, under the name secret.

Security check: ✔ - peppermint.json doesn't appear to be accessible form the internet (though it doesn't hurt to check yourself)

"; break; case 1: if(empty($_POST["secret"]) || $_POST["secret"] !== $settings->secret) exit(page_renderer::render_main("Error - Setup - Pepperminty Wiki", "

That site secret doesn't appear to match what's stored in pepperminty.json. Go back.

")); $content .= "

1: Get Ready!

Cool! Now that we've got you verified, let's get started! Fill out the form below to start to customise your Pepperminty Wiki instance.

The name of your wiki.

Administrator Account

It's time to create your very first account! This account is special - it's your administrator account (you can promote more users to be administrators by editing peppermint.json after completing this setup). The username must not contain spaces - they'll be stripped out if you include them!

Your email address. Users will be invited to contact you with this address if they experience issues.

The password for your new account. Make sure it's secure!

"; break; case 2: if($_GET["password"] !== $_GET["password-repeat"]) exit(page_renderer::render_minimal("Password mismatch - Pepperminty Wiki", "

Those passwords don't seem to match! Go back.

")); $admin_username = $_GET["admin-username"]; $admin_email = $_GET["admin-email"]; // Set the sitename $settings->sitename = $_GET["sitename"]; // Set the admin details $settings->admindetails_name = $admin_username; $settings->admindetails_email = $admin_email; // Setup a new users table $settings->users = [ $admin_username => [ "email" => $admin_email, "password" => hash_password($_GET["password"]) ] ]; // Save the new settings file_put_contents($paths->settings_file, json_encode($settings, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); $content .= "

Brilliant! You're practically all set. There's just some small step to complete though: Pepperminty Wiki needs to download a few resources from the internet. To do this, Pepperminty Wiki will need access to the following domains:

"; $content .= "

If you're not sure what this means, then the server $settings->sitename is running on is probably already configured correctly.

"; break; } exit(page_renderer::render_minimal("Setup [ $stage / $stage_count ] - $settings->sitename", $content)); }); } ]); ?>