# Making a Release This page contains a few notes about making a release of Pepperminty Wiki. These notes are intended to remind me of things I need to do, but you may find them useful. The following things need to be done to prepare for a release: - Check for outstanding issues - Check the changelog - Make sure that the README is up to date - Make sure that Pepperminty Wiki actually works - Make sure that the [downloader actually works](https://github.com/sbrl/Pepperminty-Wiki/releases/tag/v0.19.1-hotfix1) - Bump the version: - In the `version` file - In the changelog - In `apidoc.json` (TODO: Automate this?) - In `package.json` (TODO: Automate this?) - (Stable releases only): - Pull down changes to update [online downloader](https://starbeamrainbowlabs.com/labs/peppermint/download.php) - Ensure docs are up-to-date - Update wikimatrix - Write & publish the release ## Release text template The following template text can be used for releases: ```markdown INTRODUCTION_HERE (DELETE_IF_APPROPRIATE) Note that this is a maintenance release that backports some urgent bugfixes to LATEST_STABLE_VERSION. Current development efforts are focused on NEXT_VERSION. The work-in-progress changelog for NEXT_VERSION can be found [here](https://github.com/sbrl/Pepperminty-Wiki/blob/master/Changelog.md). Have you updated to this release? [Click this link to say hi](https://starbeamrainbowlabs.com/blog/viewtracker.php?action=record&format=text&post-id=pepperminty-wiki/PEPPERMINTY_WIKI_VERSION)! ## Updating You can update to this release simply by grabbing an updated copy of `index.php` and replacing the version in your current wiki (don't forget to take backups! I make every effort to squash as many bugs as possible, but you can never be too certain). You can get an updated copy of `index.php` in a number of ways: - By downloading the `index.php` file attached to this release - Using the [online downloader](https://starbeamrainbowlabs.com/labs/peppermint/download.php) (always has the latest stable version) - Using the online downloader offline - Building your own from source For more information on the last 2 methods, please see [the documentation](https://starbeamrainbowlabs.com/labs/peppermint/__nightdocs/05-Getting-A-Copy.html) for more information. ## Since VERSION_NUMBER_HERE FULL_CHANGELOG_HERE ```