$callable(), "time" => microtime(true) - $start_time ]; } function tree_create() { $tree = new BkTree("bktree.sqlite"); echo("Populating tree - "); $time = microtime(true); $handle = fopen("enable1.shuf.txt", "r"); $i = 0; while(($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) { // if($i > 10) exit(); $line = trim($line); $tree->add($line); $i++; } echo("done in ".round((microtime(true) - $time) * 1000, 2)."ms\n"); fclose($handle); return $tree; } function tree_save(BkTree $tree) { echo("Saving tree\n"); $tree->close(); } function tree_load() { return new BkTree("bktree.sqlite"); } function test_search_linear() { $start_time = microtime(true); $handle = fopen("enable1.shuf.txt", "r"); while(($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) { if(levenshtein("cakke", trim($line)) > 2) continue; echo("linear match: ".trim($line)."\n"); } echo("done in ".round((microtime(true) - $start_time) * 1000, 2)."ms\n"); exit(); } function writegraph() { global $tree; echo("Writing graph to bktree.dot\n"); $handle = fopen("bktree.dot", "w"); fwrite($handle, "// Generated by bktreetest.php by Starbeamrainbowlabs\n"); fwrite($handle, "// Date: ".date("r")."\n"); fwrite($handle, "digraph BkTree {\n"); fwrite($handle, "\tgraph [bgcolor=\"transparent\", nodesep=\"5\", root=\"N0\"];\n"); fwrite($handle, "\tnode [shape=\"point\", color=\"#cb3d38\"];\n"); fwrite($handle, "\tedge [arrowhead=\"open\", gradientangle=\"90\", style=\"filled\", color=\"#fcba2280\"];\n"); // #8cc03280 foreach($tree->walk() as $next) { if($next->id == 0) continue; // Skip the first node fwrite($handle, "\tN$next->parent_id -> N$next->id;\n"); } fwrite($handle, "}\n"); fclose($handle); } if(file_exists("bktree.sqlite")) $tree = time_callable("tree_load"); else $tree = time_callable("tree_create"); echo("Tree created in ".($tree["time"]*1000)."ms\n"); $tree = $tree["value"]; writegraph(); exit(); function test_auto() { global $tree; for($i = 0; $i < 1; $i++) { $start_time = microtime(true); $results = $tree->lookup("cakke", 2); echo("Lookup complete in ".round((microtime(true) - $start_time)*1000, 2)."ms (".count($results)." results found)\n"); } exit(); } // test_auto(); echo("BkTree Test CLI\n"); echo("Exit with .exit\n"); echo("This ensures the tree is saved to disk\n"); while(true) { $line = readline("> "); // Newline is removed automatically if(strlen($line) == 0) continue; readline_add_history($line); if($line[0] == ".") { switch ($line) { case ".quit": case ".exit": $result = time_callable(function() use ($tree) { tree_save($tree); }); echo("Serialised tree in ".round($result["time"] * 1000, 2)."ms\n"); exit("exit\n"); break; case ".help": echo("dot commands: .exit Exit, saving edits to the tree to disk .writegraph Write a graphviz dot file to disk representing the tree in the current directory .stats Compute statistics about the tree "); break; case ".writegraph": writegraph(); break; case ".stats": echo("Tree stats: "); var_dump($tree->stats()); break; } continue; } // var_dump($line); $time = microtime(true); $results = $tree->lookup($line, 2); $i = 0; $time = round((microtime(true) - $time)*1000, 2); $time_sort = microtime(true); // Note that adding a cache here doesn't make a significant different to performance // The overhead of calling a function far outweighs that of calling levenshtein(), apparently usort($results, function($a, $b) use ($line, $tree) { return $tree->edit_distance($a, $line) - $tree->edit_distance($b, $line); }); $time_sort = round((microtime(true) - $time_sort)*1000, 2); foreach($results as $result) { echo( str_pad($i, 5, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT).": ". str_pad($result, 20). " dist ".$tree->edit_distance($result, $line). "\n" ); $i++; } // $start_time_inc = microtime(true); // $i = 0; // foreach($tree->lookup($line, 2) as $result) { // // var_dump($result); // echo( // str_pad( // str_pad("$i: $result", 20)."dist ".levenshtein($result, $line), // 40 // ). // "+".round((microtime(true) - $start_time_inc)*1000, 2)."ms\n" // ); // // readline("(press enter to continue)"); // // $start_time_inc = microtime(true); // $i++; // } echo("Found $i results in {$time}ms (+{$time_sort}ms sort)\n"); }