"Login", "version" => "0.8.1", "author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs", "description" => "Adds a pair of actions (login and checklogin) that allow users to login. You need this one if you want your users to be able to login.", "id" => "page-login", "code" => function() { global $settings; /* * _ _ * | | ___ __ _(_)_ __ * | |/ _ \ / _` | | '_ \ * | | (_) | (_| | | | | | * |_|\___/ \__, |_|_| |_| * |___/ %login% */ add_action("login", function() { global $settings; // Build the action url that will actually perform the login $login_form_action_url = "index.php?action=checklogin"; if(isset($_GET["returnto"])) $login_form_action_url .= "&returnto=" . rawurlencode($_GET["returnto"]); $title = "Login to $settings->sitename"; $content = "

Login to $settings->sitename

\n"; if(isset($_GET["failed"])) $content .= "\t\t

Login failed.

\n"; if(isset($_GET["required"])) $content .= "\t\t

$settings->sitename requires that you login before continuing.

\n"; $content .= "\t\t

\n"; exit(page_renderer::render_main($title, $content)); }); /* * _ _ _ _ * ___| |__ ___ ___| | _| | ___ __ _(_)_ __ * / __| '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / |/ _ \ / _` | | '_ \ * | (__| | | | __/ (__| <| | (_) | (_| | | | | | * \___|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\_|\___/ \__, |_|_| |_| * %checklogin% |___/ */ add_action("checklogin", function() { global $settings, $env; //actually do the login if(isset($_POST["user"]) and isset($_POST["pass"])) { //the user wants to log in $user = $_POST["user"]; $pass = $_POST["pass"]; if($settings->users[$user] == hash_password($pass)) { $env->is_logged_in = true; $expiretime = time() + 60*60*24*30; //30 days from now $_SESSION["$settings->sessionprefix-user"] = $user; $_SESSION["$settings->sessionprefix-pass"] = hash_password($pass); $_SESSION["$settings->sessionprefix-expiretime"] = $expiretime; //redirect to wherever the user was going http_response_code(302); if(isset($_GET["returnto"])) header("location: " . $_GET["returnto"]); else header("location: index.php"); exit(); } else { http_response_code(302); header("location: index.php?action=login&failed=yes"); exit(); } } else { http_response_code(302); header("location: index.php?action=login&failed=yes&badrequest=yes"); exit(); } }); // Register a section on logging in on the help page. add_help_section("30-login", "Logging in", "

In order to edit $settings->sitename and have your edit attributed to you, you need to be logged in. Depending on the settings, logging in may be a required step if you want to edit at all. Thankfully, loggging in is not hard. Simply click the "Login" link in the top left, type your username and password, and then click login.

If you do not have an account yet and would like one, try contacting " . $settings->admindetails["name"] . ", $settings->sitename's administrator and ask them nicely to see if they can create you an account.

"); } ]); /* * @summary Hashes the given password according to the current settings defined * in $settings. * * @param $pass {string} The password to hash. * * @returns {string} The hashed password. Uses sha3 if $settings->use_sha3 is * enabled, or sha256 otherwise. */ function hash_password($pass) { global $settings; if($settings->use_sha3) { return sha3($pass, 256); } else { return hash("sha256", $pass); } } ?>