"sitename": { "type": "text", "description": "Your wiki's name.", "default": "Pepperminty Wiki" },
"defaultpage": { "type": "text", "description": "The name of the page that will act as the home page for the wiki. This page will be served if you don't specify a page.", "default": "Main Page" },
"admindetails_name": { "type": "text", "description": "Your name as the wiki administrator.", "default": "Administrator" },
"admindetails_email": { "type": "email", "description": "Your email address as the wiki administrator. Will be displayed as a support contact address.", "default": "admin@localhost" },
"favicon": { "type": "url", "description": "A url that points to the favicon you want to use for your wiki. By default this is set to a data: url of a Peppermint (Credit: by bluefrog23, source: https://openclipart.org/detail/19571/peppermint-candy-by-bluefrog23)", "default": "" },
"logo_url": { "type": "url", "description": "A url that points to the site's logo. Leave blank to disable. When enabled the logo will be inserted next to the site name on every page.", "default": "//starbeamrainbowlabs.com/images/logos/peppermint.png" },
"logo_position": { "type": "text", "description": "The side of the site name at which the logo should be placed.", "default": "left" },
"show_subpages": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to show a list of subpages at the bottom of the page.", "default": true},
"subpages_display_depth": { "type": "text", "description": "The depth to which we should display when listing subpages at the bottom the page.", "default": 3},
"random_page_exclude": { "type": "text", "description": "The pages names matching this regular expression won't be chosen when a random page is being picked to send you to by the random action.", "default": "/^Files\\/.*$/i" },
"random_page_exclude_redirects": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Causes the random action to avoid sending the user to a redirect page.", "default": true },
"footer_message": { "type": "textarea", "description": "A message that will appear at the bottom of every page. May contain HTML.", "default": "All content is under this license. Please make sure that you read and understand the license, especially if you are thinking about copying some (or all) of this site's content, as it may restrict you from doing so." },
"editing_message": { "type": "textarea", "description": "A message that will appear just before the submit button on the editing page. May contain HTML.", "default": "Formatting help (Markdown Cheatsheet)
\nBy submitting your edit or uploading your file, you are agreeing to release your changes under this license. Also note that if you don't want your work to be edited by other users of this site, please don't submit it here!" },
"admindisplaychar": { "type": "text", "description": "The string that is prepended before an admin's name on the nav bar. Defaults to a diamond shape (◆).", "default": "◆" },
"protectedpagechar": { "type": "text", "description": "The string that is prepended a page's name in the page title if it is protected. Defaults to a lock symbol. (🔒)", "default": "🔒" },
"editing": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether editing is enabled.", "default": true},
"anonedits": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether users who aren't logged in are allowed to edit your wiki.", "default": false },
"maxpagesize": { "type": "number", "description": "The maximum page size in characters.", "default": 135000 },
"parser": { "type": "text", "description": "The parser to use when rendering pages. Defaults to an extended version of parsedown (http://parsedown.org/)", "default": "parsedown" },
"parser_cache": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether parser output should be cached to speed things up. The cache directory is ._cache
in the data directory - delete it if you experience issues (unlikely).", "default": true },
"parser_cache_min_size": { "type": "number", "description": "The minimum size a source string must be (in bytes) before it's considered eligible for caching.", "default": 1024 },
"interwiki_index_location": { "type": "text", "description": "The location to find the interwiki wiki definition file, which contains a list of wikis along with their names, prefixes, and root urls. May be a URL, or simply a file path - as it's passed to file_get_contents(). If left blank, interwiki link parsing is disabled.", "default": null },
"clean_raw_html": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether page sources should be cleaned of HTML before rendering. It is STRONGLY recommended that you keep this option turned on.", "default": true },
"all_untrusted": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to treat both page sources and comment text as untrusted input. Untrusted input has additional restrictions to protect against XSS attacks etc. Turn on if your wiki allows anonymous edits.", "default": false},
"enable_math_rendering": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to enable client side rendering of mathematical expressions with MathJax (https://www.mathjax.org/). Math expressions should be enclosed inside of dollar signs ($). Turn off if you don't use it.", "default": true},
"users": { "type": "usertable", "description": "An array of usernames and passwords - passwords should be hashed with password_hash() (the hash action can help here)", "default": {
"admin": {
"email": "admin@somewhere.com",
"password": "$2y$10$kX6QgET6SfL47GsJjxwp/.JE6SSJo4Nx8/wG13eNvLDGIduYTlCXO"
"user": {
"email": "example@example.net",
"password": "$2y$10$tWYjgh5WvaJrwiszZ1e2Keo3ras6mqa4ptqruwUn3de4UB6eV9cnW"
"admins": { "type": "array", "description": "An array of usernames that are administrators. Administrators can delete and move pages.", "default": [ "admin" ]},
"anonymous_user_name": { "type": "text", "description": "The default name for anonymous users.", "default": "Anonymous" },
"user_page_prefix": { "type": "text", "description": "The prefix for user pages. All user pages will be considered to be under this page. User pages have special editing restrictions that prevent anyone other thant he user they belong to from editing them. Should not include the trailing forward slash.", "default": "Users" },
"user_preferences_button_text": { "type": "text", "description": "The text to display on the button that lets logged in users change their settings. Defaults to a cog (aka a 'gear' in unicode-land).", "default": "⚙ " },
"password_algorithm": { "type": "text", "description": "The algorithm to utilise when hashing passwords. Takes any value PHP's password_hash() does.", "default": "PASSWORD_DEFAULT" },
"password_cost": { "type": "number", "description": "The cost to use when hashing passwords.", "default": 12},
"password_cost_time": { "type": "number", "description": "The desired number of milliseconds to delay by when hashing passwords. Pepperminty Wiki will automatically update the value of password_cost to take the length of time specified here. If you're using PASSWORD_ARGON2I, then the auto-update will be disabled.", "default": 350},
"password_cost_time_interval": { "type": "number", "description": "The interval, in seconds, at which the password cost should be recalculated. Set to -1 to disable. Default: 1 week", "default": 604800},
"password_cost_time_lastcheck": { "type": "number", "description": "Pseudo-setting used to keep track of the last recalculation of password_cost. Is updated with the current unix timestamp every time password_cost is recalculated.", "default": 0},
"new_password_length": { "type": "number", "description": "The length of newly-generated passwords. This is currently used in the user table when creating new accounts.", "default": 32},
"require_login_view": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to require that users login before they do anything else. Best used with the data_storage_dir option.", "default": false},
"data_storage_dir": { "type": "text", "description": "The directory in which to store all files, except the main index.php.", "default": "." },
"delayed_indexing_time": { "type": "number", "description": "The amount of time, in seconds, that pages should be blocked from being indexed by search engines after their last edit. Aka delayed indexing.", "default": 0},
"nav_links": { "type": "nav", "description": "
An array of links and display text to display at the top of the site.
Format: \"Display Text\": \"Link\"
You can also use strings here and they will be printed as-is, except the following special strings:
- Expands to the user's login information. e.g. \"Logged in as {name}. | Logout\", or e.g. \"Browsing as Anonymous. | Login\".search
- Expands to a search box.divider
- Expands to a divider to separate stuff.more
- Expands to the \"More...\" submenu.[ [type, path], [type, path], ....]
, where type
is a resource type, and path
is a relative url path to a static file to send via HTTP/2.0 Server Push.