"version" => "0.9.8",
"author" => "Emanuil Rusev & Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description" => "An upgraded (now default!) parser based on Emanuil Rusev's Parsedown Extra PHP library (https://github.com/erusev/parsedown-extra), which is licensed MIT. Please be careful, as this module adds some weight to your installation, and also *requires* write access to the disk on first load.",
"id" => "parser-parsedown",
"code" => function() {
global $settings;
$parser = new PeppermintParsedown();
add_parser("parsedown", function($source) use ($parser) {
global $settings;
$result = $parser->text($source);
return $result;
add_help_section("20-parser-default", "Editor Syntax",
$settings->sitename's editor uses an extended version of Parsedown to render pages, which is a fantastic open source Github flavoured markdown parser. You can find a quick reference guide on Github flavoured markdown here by adam-p , or if you prefer a book Mastering Markdown by KB is a good read, and free too!
Put 2 spaces at the end of a line to add a soft line break. Leave a blank line to add a head line break (i.e. a new paragraph).
You can add an id to a header that you can link to. Put it in curly braces after the heading name like this: # Heading Name {#HeadingId}
. Then you can link to like like this: [[Page name#HeadingId}]]
. You can also link to a heading id on the current page by omitting the page name: [[#HeadingId]]
Extra Syntax
$settings->sitename's editor also supports some extra custom syntax, some of which is inspired by Mediawiki .
Type this To get this Comments
[[Internal link]]
Internal Link An internal link.
[[Display Text|Internal link]]
Display Text An internal link with some display text.

An image floating to the right of the page that fits inside a 256px x 256px box, preserving aspect ratio.

Alt text An image with a caption that fits inside a 256px x 256px box, preserving aspect ratio. The caption is taken from the alt text.

An example of the short url syntax for images. Simply enter the page name of an image (or video / audio file), and Pepperminty Wiki will sort out the url for you.
Note that the all image image syntax above can be mixed and matched to your liking. The caption
option in particular must come last or next to last.
$settings->sitename also supports including one page in another page as a template . The syntax is very similar to that of Mediawiki. For example, {{Announcement banner}}
will include the contents of the \"Announcement banner\" page, assuming it exists.
You can also use variables. Again, the syntax here is very similar to that of Mediawiki - they can be referenced in the included page by surrrounding the variable name in triple curly braces (e.g. {{{Announcement text}}}
), and set when including a page with the bar syntax (e.g. {{Announcement banner | importance = high | text = Maintenance has been planned for tonight.}}
). Currently the only restriction in templates and variables is that you may not include a closing curly brace (}
) in the page name, variable name, or value.
Special Variables
$settings->sitename also supports a number of special built-in variables. Their syntax and function are described below:
Type this To get this
Lists all variables and their values in a table.
Shows a 'stack trace', outlining all the parent includes of the current page being parsed.
Outputs the requested page's name.
Outputs a comma separated list of all the subpages of the current page.
Shows a gallery containing all the files that are sub pages of the current page.
/*** Parsedown versions ***
* Parsedown Core: 1.6.0 *
* Parsedown Extra: 0.7.0 *
$env->parsedown_paths = new stdClass();
$env->parsedown_paths->parsedown = "https://cdn.rawgit.com/erusev/parsedown/3ebbd730b5c2cf5ce78bc1bf64071407fc6674b7/Parsedown.php";
$env->parsedown_paths->parsedown_extra = "https://cdn.rawgit.com/erusev/parsedown-extra/11a44e076d02ffcc4021713398a60cd73f78b6f5/ParsedownExtra.php";
// Download parsedown and parsedown extra if they don't already exist
if(!file_exists("./Parsedown.php") || filesize("./Parsedown.php") === 0)
file_put_contents("./Parsedown.php", fopen($env->parsedown_paths->parsedown, "r"));
if(!file_exists("./ParsedownExtra.php") || filesize("./ParsedownExtra.php") === 0)
file_put_contents("./ParsedownExtra.php", fopen($env->parsedown_paths->parsedown_extra, "r"));
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class PeppermintParsedown extends ParsedownExtra
private $internalLinkBase = "./%s";
protected $maxParamDepth = 0;
protected $paramStack = [];
function __construct()
// Prioritise our internal link parsing over the regular link parsing
array_unshift($this->InlineTypes["["], "InternalLink");
// Prioritise our image parser over the regular image parser
array_unshift($this->InlineTypes["!"], "ExtendedImage");
$this->inlineMarkerList .= "{";
if(!isset($this->InlineTypes["{"]) or !is_array($this->InlineTypes["{"]))
$this->InlineTypes["{"] = [];
$this->InlineTypes["{"][] = "Template";
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protected function inlineTemplate($fragment)
global $env, $pageindex;
// Variable parsing
if(preg_match("/\{\{\{([^}]+)\}\}\}/", $fragment["text"], $matches))
$params = [];
$stackEntry = array_slice($this->paramStack, -1)[0];
$params = !empty($stackEntry) ? $stackEntry["params"] : false;
$variableKey = trim($matches[1]);
$variableValue = false;
switch ($variableKey)
case "@": // Lists all variables and their values
$variableValue = "
Key Value \n";
foreach($params as $key => $value)
$variableValue .= "\t" . $this->escapeText($key) . " " . $this->escapeText($value) . " \n";
$variableValue .= "
case "#": // Shows a stack trace
$variableValue = "\n";
$variableValue .= "\t$env->page \n";
foreach($this->paramStack as $curStackEntry)
$variableValue .= "\t" . $curStackEntry["pagename"] . " \n";
$variableValue .= " \n";
case "~": // Show requested page's name
$variableValue = $this->escapeText($env->page);
case "*": // Lists subpages
$subpages = get_subpages($pageindex, $env->page);
$variableValue = [];
foreach($subpages as $pagename => $depth)
$variableValue[] = $pagename;
$variableValue = implode(", ", $variableValue);
if(strlen($variableValue) === 0)
$variableValue = "(none yet!) ";
case "+": // Shows a file gallery for subpages with files
// If the upload module isn't present, then there's no point
// in checking for uploaded files
$variableValue = [];
$subpages = get_subpages($pageindex, $env->page);
foreach($subpages as $pagename => $depth)
// Make sure that this is an uploaded file
$mime_type = $pageindex->$pagename->uploadedfilemime;
$previewSize = 300;
$previewUrl = "?action=preview&size=$previewSize&page=" . rawurlencode($pagename);
$previewHtml = "";
switch(substr($mime_type, 0, strpos($mime_type, "/")))
case "video":
$previewHtml .= "$pagename \n";
case "audio":
$previewHtml .= "$pagename \n";
case "application":
case "image":
$previewHtml .= " \n";
$previewHtml = "$previewHtml$pagename ";
$variableValue[$pagename] = "$previewHtml ";
if(count($variableValue) === 0)
$variableValue["default"] = "(No files found) \n";
$variableValue = implode("\n", $variableValue);
$variableValue = "";
$variableValue = $params[$variableKey];
$variableValue = $this->escapeText($variableValue);
if($variableValue !== false)
return [
"extent" => strlen($matches[0]),
"markup" => $variableValue
else if(preg_match("/\{\{([^}]+)\}\}/", $fragment["text"], $matches))
$templateElement = $this->templateHandler($matches[1]);
return [
"extent" => strlen($matches[0]),
"element" => $templateElement
protected function templateHandler($source)
global $pageindex, $env;
$parts = preg_split("/\\||¦/", trim($source, "{}"));
$parts = array_map("trim", $parts);
// Extract the name of the template page
$templatePagename = array_shift($parts);
// If the page that we are supposed to use as the tempalte doesn't
// exist, then there's no point in continuing.
return false;
// Parse the parameters
$params = [];
$i = 0;
foreach($parts as $part)
if(strpos($part, "=") !== false)
// This param contains an equals sign, so it's a named parameter
$keyValuePair = explode("=", $part, 2);
$keyValuePair = array_map("trim", $keyValuePair);
$params[$keyValuePair[0]] = $keyValuePair[1];
// This isn't a named parameter
$params["$i"] = trim($part);
// Add the parsed parameters to the parameter stack
$this->paramStack[] = [
"pagename" => $templatePagename,
"params" => $params
$templateFilePath = $env->storage_prefix . $pageindex->$templatePagename->filename;
$parsedTemplateSource = $this->text(file_get_contents($templateFilePath));
// Remove the parsed parameters from the stack
return [
"name" => "div",
"text" => $parsedTemplateSource,
"attributes" => [
"class" => "template"
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protected function inlineInternalLink($fragment)
global $pageindex, $env;
if(preg_match('/^\[\[([^\]]*)\]\]([^\s!?",.()\[\]{}*=+\/]*)/u', $fragment["text"], $matches))
$display = $linkPage = trim($matches[1]) . trim($matches[2]);
if(strpos($matches[1], "|") !== false || strpos($matches[1], "¦") !== false)
// We have a bar character
$parts = preg_split("/\\||¦/", $matches[1], 2);
$linkPage = trim($parts[0]); // The page to link to
$display = trim($parts[1]); // The text to display
$hashCode = "";
if(strpos($linkPage, "#") !== false)
// We want to link to a subsection of a page
$hashCode = substr($linkPage, strpos($linkPage, "#") + 1);
$linkPage = substr($linkPage, 0, strpos($linkPage, "#"));
// If $linkPage is empty then we want to link to the current page
if(strlen($linkPage) === 0)
$linkPage = $env->page;
// If the page doesn't exist, check varying different
// capitalisations to see if it exists under some variant.
$linkPage = ucfirst($linkPage);
else if(!empty($pageindex->{ucwords($linkPage)}))
$linkPage = ucwords($linkPage);
// Construct the full url
$linkUrl = str_replace(
"%s", rawurlencode($linkPage),
if(strlen($hashCode) > 0)
$linkUrl .= "#$hashCode";
$result = [
"extent" => strlen($matches[0]),
"element" => [
"name" => "a",
"text" => $display,
"attributes" => [
"href" => $linkUrl
$result["element"]["attributes"]["class"] = "redlink";
return $result;
* ███████ ██ ██ ████████ ███████ ███ ██ ██████ ███████ ██████
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* ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ███████ ███████
protected function inlineExtendedImage($fragment)
global $pageindex;
if(preg_match('/^!\[(.*)\]\(([^|¦)]+)\s*(?:(?:\||¦)([^|¦)]*))?(?:(?:\||¦)([^|¦)]*))?(?:(?:\||¦)([^)]*))?\)/', $fragment["text"], $matches))
* 0 - Everything
* 1 - Alt text
* 2 - Url
* 3 - First param (optional)
* 4 - Second param (optional)
* 5 - Third param (optional)
$altText = $matches[1];
$imageUrl = trim(str_replace("&", "&", $matches[2])); // Decode & to allow it in preview urls
$param1 = empty($matches[3]) ? false : strtolower(trim($matches[3]));
$param2 = empty($matches[4]) ? false : strtolower(trim($matches[4]));
$param3 = empty($matches[5]) ? false : strtolower(trim($matches[5]));
$floatDirection = false;
$imageSize = false;
$imageCaption = false;
$shortImageUrl = false;
// Param 1 is a valid css float: ... value
$floatDirection = $param1;
$imageSize = $this->parseSizeSpec($param2);
else if($this->isFloatValue($param2))
// Param 2 is a valid css float: ... value
$floatDirection = $param2;
$imageSize = $this->parseSizeSpec($param1);
else if($this->isFloatValue($param3))
$floatDirection = $param3;
$imageSize = $this->parseSizeSpec($param1);
else if($param1 === false and $param2 === false)
// Neither params were specified
$floatDirection = false;
$imageSize = false;
// Neither of them are floats, but at least one is specified
// This must mean that the first param is a size spec like
// 250x128.
$imageSize = $this->parseSizeSpec($param1);
if($param1 !== false && strtolower(trim($param1)) == "caption")
$imageCaption = true;
if($param2 !== false && strtolower(trim($param2)) == "caption")
$imageCaption = true;
if($param3 !== false && strtolower(trim($param3)) == "caption")
$imageCaption = true;
//echo("Image url: $imageUrl, Pageindex entry: " . var_export(isset($pageindex->$imageUrl), true) . "\n");
if(isset($pageindex->$imageUrl) and $pageindex->$imageUrl->uploadedfile)
// We have a short url! Expand it.
$shortImageUrl = $imageUrl;
$imageUrl = "index.php?action=preview&size=" . max($imageSize["x"], $imageSize["y"]) ."&page=" . rawurlencode($imageUrl);
$style = "";
if($imageSize !== false)
$style .= " max-width: " . $imageSize["x"] . "px; max-height: " . $imageSize["y"] . "px;";
$style .= " float: $floatDirection;";
$urlExtension = pathinfo($imageUrl, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$urlType = system_extension_mime_type($urlExtension);
$result = [];
switch(substr($urlType, 0, strpos($urlType, "/")))
case "audio":
$result = [
"extent" => strlen($matches[0]),
"element" => [
"name" => "audio",
"text" => $altText,
"attributes" => [
"src" => $imageUrl,
"controls" => "controls",
"preload" => "metadata",
"style" => trim($style)
case "video":
$result = [
"extent" => strlen($matches[0]),
"element" => [
"name" => "video",
"text" => $altText,
"attributes" => [
"src" => $imageUrl,
"controls" => "controls",
"preload" => "metadata",
"style" => trim($style)
case "image":
// If we can't work out what it is, then assume it's an image
$result = [
"extent" => strlen($matches[0]),
"element" => [
"name" => "img",
"attributes" => [
"src" => $imageUrl,
"alt" => $altText,
"title" => $altText,
"style" => trim($style)
// ~ Image linker ~
$imageHref = $shortImageUrl !== false ? "?page=" . rawurlencode($shortImageUrl) : $imageUrl;
$result["element"] = [
"name" => "a",
"attributes" => [
"href" => $imageHref
"text" => [$result["element"]],
"handler" => "elements"
// ~
$rawStyle = $result["element"]["attributes"]["style"];
$containerStyle = preg_replace('/^.*float/', "float", $rawStyle);
$mediaStyle = preg_replace('/\s*float.*;/', "", $rawStyle);
$result["element"] = [
"name" => "figure",
"attributes" => [
"style" => $containerStyle
"text" => [
"name" => "figcaption",
"text" => $altText
"handler" => "elements"
$result["element"]["text"][0]["attributes"]["style"] = $mediaStyle;
return $result;
# ~
# Utility Methods
# ~
private function isFloatValue($value)
return in_array(strtolower($value), [ "left", "right" ]);
private function parseSizeSpec($text)
if(strpos($text, "x") === false)
return false;
$parts = explode("x", $text, 2);
if(count($parts) != 2)
return false;
array_map("trim", $parts);
array_map("intval", $parts);
if(in_array(0, $parts))
return false;
return [
"x" => $parts[0],
"y" => $parts[1]
protected function escapeText($text)
return htmlentities($text, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML5);
* Sets the base url to be used for internal links. '%s' will be replaced
* with a URL encoded version of the page name.
* @param string $url The url to use when parsing internal links.
public function setInternalLinkBase($url)
$this->internalLinkBase = $url;