FROM caddy:alpine RUN echo "" >> /etc/apk/repositories && \ apk add --no-cache php84-fpm php84-mbstring php84-pecl-imagick php84-fileinfo php84-zip php84-intl php84-pdo_sqlite php84-sqlite3 php84-session && \ mkdir /srv/app && \ chown 10801:10801 /var/log/php84 /srv/app && \ echo -e "[www]\ncatch_workers_output = yes\naccess.log = /proc/self/fd/2\nphp_admin_value[error_log] = /proc/self/fd/2" >/etc/php84/php-fpm.d/peppermint.conf COPY docker/Caddyfile /etc/caddy/Caddyfile COPY build/index.php /srv/app/ COPY docker/ /srv/ # /srv/app/peppermint.json needs to be your peppermint.json file. # IMPORTANT: Set data_storage_dir to /srv/data! # See also # To generate the peppermint.json file in the first place, you'll have to setup a temporary instance of Pepperminty Wiki (even just using e.g. php -S [::]:35623 -t build after cloning the git repository.) # # Alternatively, you can fill peppermint.json with simply e.g. '{ "data_storage_dir": "/srv/data", "firstrun_complete": false }' (omit single quotes), and then mount that writably, and Pepperminty Wiki will fill out the rest of the missing settings. VOLUME [ "/srv/data" ] EXPOSE 80 # Pepperminty Wiki runs as user UID 10801 and GID 10801. # Remember: Running any docker apps as root -- even inside the container -- is a terriible idea and leaves you liable to security issues! USER 10801:10801 WORKDIR /srv/app # Start PHP-FPM and Caddy via a script CMD ["sh", "/srv/"]