"First run wizard", "version" => "0.1", "author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs", "description" => "Displays a special page to aid in setting up a new wiki for the first time.", "id" => "feature-firstrun", "code" => function() { // TODO: Remove this line once it's ready return true; // Stop this module from actually being executed - it's not ready yet! // TODO: Figure out how to detect pre-existing wikis here // Perhaps this could be a setting instead? We'd need to update the settings logic a bit $firstrun_complete = file_exists("._peppermint_installed"); /** * @api {get} ?action=firstrun Display the firstrun page * @apiName FirstRun * @apiGroup Settings * @apiPermission Anonymous * */ /* * ███████ ██ ██████ ███████ ████████ ██████ ██ ██ ███ ██ * ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ * █████ ██ ██████ ███████ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ * ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ * ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ████ */ add_action("firstrun", function() use($firstrun_complete) { global $settings; if($firstrun_complete) { http_response_code(400); exit(page_renderer::render_main("Setup complete - Error - $settings->sitename", "

Oops! Looks like $settings->sitename is already setup and ready to go! Go to the " . htmlentities($settings->defaultpage)." to get started!

")); } // TODO: Check the environment here first // - Make sure peppermint.json isn't accessible // - Check for required modules? // TODO: Add a button to skip the firstrun wizard & do your own manual setup $result = "


Welcome to Pepperminty Wiki.

Fill out the below form to get your wiki up and running!

Admin account details

Longer is better! Aim for at least 14 characters.

Wiki Details

The location on the server's disk to store the wiki data. Relative paths are ok - the default is . (i.e. the current directory).

"; }); add_action("firstrun-complete", function() { global $version, $commit; if($firstrun_complete) { http_response_code(400); exit(page_renderer::render_main("Setup complete - Error - $settings->sitename", "

Oops! Looks like $settings->sitename is already setup and ready to go! Go to the " . htmlentities($settings->defaultpage)." to get started!

")); } // $_POST: username, password, password-again, wiki-name, data-dir if(empty($_POST["username"])) { http_response_code(422); exit(page_renderer::render_main("Missing information - Error - Pepperminty Wiki", "

Oops! Looks like you forgot to enter a username. Try going back in your browser and filling one in.

")); } if(empty($_POST["password"]) || empty($_POST["password-again"])) { http_response_code(422); exit(page_renderer::render_main("Missing information - Error - Pepperminty Wiki", "

Oops! Looks like you forgot to enter a password. Try going back in your browser and filling one in.

")); } if(empty($_POST["wiki-name"])) { http_response_code(422); exit(page_renderer::render_main("Missing information - Error - Pepperminty Wiki", "

Oops! Looks like you forgot to enter a name for your wiki. Try going back in your browser and filling one in.

")); } if(empty($_POST["data-dir"])) { http_response_code(422); exit(page_renderer::render_main("Missing information - Error - Pepperminty Wiki", "

Oops! Looks like you forgot to enter a directory on the server to store the wiki's data in. Try going back in your browser and filling one in. Relative paths are ok - the default is . (i.e. the current directory).

")); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- file_put_contents("._peppermint_installed", "Install complete at " . date("c") . "with Pepperminty Wiki v$version-$commit"); }); } ]);