extra_data_directory) || filemtime(__FILE__) > filemtime($paths->extra_data_directory) || is_directory_empty($paths->extra_data_directory)) { $error_message_help = "

Have you checked that PHP has write access to the directory that index.php is located in (and all it's contents and subdirectories)? Try sudo chown USERNAME:USERNAME -R path/to/directory and sudo chmod -R 0644 path/to/directory; sudo chmod -R +X path/to/directory, where USERNAME is the username that the PHP process is running under.

"; if(file_exists($paths->extra_data_directory)) delete_recursive($paths->extra_data_directory, false); else { if(!mkdir($paths->extra_data_directory, 0700)) { http_response_code(503); exit(page_renderer::render_minimal("Unpacking error - $settings->sitename", "

Oops! It looks like $settings->sitename couldn't create the extra data directory to unpack additional files to.

$error_message_help")); } } if(!touch($paths->extra_data_directory)) { http_response_code(503); exit(page_renderer::render_minimal("Unpacking error - $settings->sitename", "

Oops! It looks like $settings->sitename isn't able to change the last modified time of the extra data directory.

$error_message_help")); } $temp_filename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "PeppermintExtract"); $temp_file = fopen($temp_filename, "wb+"); if($temp_file === false) { http_response_code(503); exit(page_renderer::render_minimal("Unpacking error - $settings->sitename", "

Oops! $settings->sitename wasn't able to create a new temporary file with tempnam(). Perhaps your server is mis-configured?

")); } $source = fopen(__FILE__, "r"); if($source === false) { http_response_code(503); exit(page_renderer::render_minimal("Unpacking error - $settings->sitename", "

Oops! $settings->sitename wasn't able to open itself (i.e. index.php) for reading. $error_message_help

")); } fseek($source, __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__); stream_copy_to_stream($source, $temp_file); fclose($temp_file); $extractor = new ZipArchive(); if(!class_exists("ZipArchive") || !($extractor instanceof ZipArchive)) { if(file_exists($paths->extra_data_directory)) delete_recursive($paths->extra_data_directory); exit(page_renderer::render_minimal("Unpacking error - $settings->sitename", "

Oops! $settings->sitename wasn't able to unpack itself because the ZipArchive doesn't exist or is faulty. Please install the PHP zip extension (on apt-based systems it's the php-zip package) and then try again later. You can check that it's installed by inspecting the output of php -m, or running the phpinfo() command.

")); } $ex_error = $extractor->open($temp_filename); if($ex_error !== true) { if($ex_error !== false) { switch ($ex_error) { case ZipArchive::ER_EXISTS: $ex_error = "A file already exists"; break; case ZipArchive::ER_INCONS: $ex_error = "The zip archive was inconsistent"; break; case ZipArchive::ER_INVAL: $ex_error = "An invalid argument was passed"; break; case ZipArchive::ER_MEMORY: $ex_error = "A malloc memory error occurred"; break; case ZipArchive::ER_NOENT: $ex_error = "No such file exists to open"; break; case ZipArchive::ER_NOZIP: $ex_error = "The file was not a zip archive"; break; case ZipArchive::ER_READ: $ex_error = "An error occurred when attempting to read the file"; break; case ZipArchive::ER_SEEK: $ex_error = "An error occurred when seeking while reading the file"; break; default: $ex_error = "An unknown error occurred (code $ex_error)"; break; } } else { $ex_error = "A generic and unidentifiable error occurred (code false)"; } if(file_exists($paths->extra_data_directory)) delete_recursive($paths->extra_data_directory); exit(page_renderer::render_minimal("Unpacking error - $settings->sitename", "

Oops! Unfortunately, $settings->sitename wasn't able to unpack itself properly. This is likely either a server misconfiguration or a bug. ZipArchive, the extractor class used by $settings->sitename says: ${ex_error}.

Please check that the zip extension is installed properly by inspecting the output of php -m, or running the phpinfo() command in a .php file on your webserver.

")); } $extractor->extractTo($paths->extra_data_directory); $extractor->close(); unlink($temp_filename); unset($ex_error); unset($error_message_help); }