diff --git a/docs/99-Making-A-Release.md b/docs/99-Making-A-Release.md index 4153189..3f0d4d8 100644 --- a/docs/99-Making-A-Release.md +++ b/docs/99-Making-A-Release.md @@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ You can update to this release simply by grabbing an updated copy of `index.php` For more information on the last 2 methods, please see [the documentation](https://starbeamrainbowlabs.com/labs/peppermint/__nightdocs/05-Getting-A-Copy.html) for more information. +For those who want to contribute financially as a thank you, I've recently [setup a Liberapay](https://liberapay.com/sbrl) to accept donations. It's certainly not required, but would definitely help me out :-) + ## Since VERSION_NUMBER_HERE FULL_CHANGELOG_HERE ```