//the url from which to fetch updates. Defaults to the master (development) branch If there is sufficient demand, a separate stable branch will be created.
//the secret key used to perform 'dangerous' actions, like updating the wiki, and deleting pages. It is strongly advised that you change this!
//note that neither of these features have been added yet.
//whether people can edit the site
//the maximum number of characters allowed in a single page
$maxpagesize=135000;//135,000 characters, or 50 pages
//whether users who aren't logged in are allowed to edit
//the name of the page that will act as the home pae for the wiki. This page will be served if the user didn't specify a page.
$defaultpage="Main Page";
//usernames and passwords - passwords should be hashed with sha256
//even though there is an account with the name admin here it doesn't actually get any special privileges, so feel free to change / remove it - this will help to stop spambots
//the same goes for the account with the name user
//contact details for the site administrator. Since user can only be added by editing this file, people will need a contact address to use to ask for an account. Displayed at the bottom of the page, and will be appropriatly obfusticateed to deter spammers.