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"name" => "User watchlists",
2020-01-05 20:48:55 +00:00
"version" => "0.1.2",
"author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description" => "Adds per-user watchlists. When a page on a user's watchlist is edited, a notification email is sent.",
"id" => "feature-watchlist",
"code" => function() {
* @api {get} ?action=watchlist&foormat=format Get your watchlist
* @apiName Watchlist
* @apiGroup Settings
* @apiPermission User
* @apiParam {string} format The format to return the watchlist in.
* @apiError WatchlistsDisabled Watchlists are disabled because the watchlists_enable setting is set to false.
* @apiError NotLoggedIn You aren't logged in, so you can't edit your watchlist (only logged in users have a watchlist).
* @apiError NoEmailAddress The currently logged in user doesn't have an email address specified in their account.
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add_action("watchlist", function() {
global $settings, $env;
if(!$settings->watchlists_enable) {
header("x-problem: watchlists-disabled");
exit(page_renderer::render_main("Watchlists disabled - $settings->sitename", "<p>Sorry, but watchlists are currently disabled on $settings->sitename. Contact your moderators to learn - their details are at the bottom of every page.</p>"));
if(!$env->is_logged_in) {
header("x-problem: not-logged-in");
exit(page_renderer::render_main("Not logged in - $settings->sitename", "<p>Only logged in users can have watchlists. Try <a href='?action=login&amp;returnto=".rawurlencode("?action=watchlist")."'>logging in</a>."));
if(empty($env->user_data->emailAddress)) {
header("x-problem: no-email-address-in-user-preferences");
exit(page_renderer::render_main("No email address specified -$settings->sitename", "<p>You are logged in, but have not specified an email address to send notifications to. Try specifying one in your <a href='?action=user-preferences'>user preferences</a> and then coming back here.</p>"));
$format = $_GET["format"] ?? "html";
$watchlist = [];
$watchlist = $env->user_data->watchlist;
$mime_type = "text/html";
$content = "";
switch ($format) {
case "html":
$content .= "<h1>Watchlist</h1>";
if(!empty($watchlist)) {
$content .= "<ul class='page-list watchlist'>\n";
foreach($watchlist as $pagename) {
$content .= "<li><a href='?action=watchlist-edit&amp;page=".rawurlencode($pagename)."&amp;do=remove&amp;returnto=".rawurlencode("?action=watchlist&success=yes")."' title='Remove from watchlist'>&#x274c;</a> <a href='?page=".rawurlencode($pagename)."'>".htmlentities($pagename)."</a></li>";
$content .= "</ul>";
$content .= "<p>You can also <a href='?action=watchlist-edit&amp;do=clear&amp;returnto=".rawurlencode("?action=watchlist")."'>clear your entire list</a> and start again.</p>";
else {
$content .= "<p><em>You don't have any pages on your watchlist. Try visiting some pages and adding them to your watchlist and then coming back here.</em></p>";
$content = page_renderer::render_main("Watchlist - $settings->sitename", $content);
case "text":
$mime_type = "text/plain";
foreach($watchlist as $pagename)
$content .= "$pagename\n";
case "json":
$mime_type = "application/json";
$content = json_encode($watchlist);
header("content-type: text/plain");
exit("Sorry, the format '$format' wasn't recognised. This action currently supports these formats: html, json, text");
header("content-type: $mime_type");
header("content-length: " . strlen($content));
* @api {get} ?action=watchlist-edit&do={do_verb}[&page={pagename}][&returnto=url] Edit your watchlist
* @apiName WatchlistEdit
* @apiGroup Settings
* @apiPermission User
2020-01-05 20:48:55 +00:00
* @apiParam {string} pagename The name of the page to operate on.
* @apiParam {string} do The thing to do. Supported verbs: add, remove, clear. The first 2 require the page GET parameter to be specified, but the clear verb doesn't (as it clears the entire list).
* @apiParam {string} returnto Optional. Specifies a URL to redirect to (with the http status code 302) upon success.
* @apiError WatchlistsDisabled Watchlists are disabled because the watchlists_enable setting is set to false.
* @apiError NotLoggedIn You aren't logged in, so you can't edit your watchlist (only logged in users have a watchlist).
* @apiError NoEmailAddress The currently logged in user doesn't have an email address specified in their account.
* @apiError DoVerbNotRecognised The specified do verb was not recognised. Supported verbs: add, remove, clear (a canonical list is returned with this error).
* @apiError PageNotFoundOnWiki The page name specified was not found on the wiki, so it can't be watched.
* @apiError PageNotFoundOnWatchlist The page name was not found in your watchlist.
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add_action("watchlist-edit", function () {
global $settings, $env, $pageindex;
// The thing we should do.
$do = $_GET["do"] ?? "null";
// The location we should redirect to after doing it successfully, if anywhere
$returnto = empty($_GET["returnto"]) ? null : $_GET["returnto"];
if(!$settings->watchlists_enable) {
header("x-status: failed");
header("x-problem: watchlists-disabled");
exit(page_renderer::render_main("Watchlists disabled - $settings->sitename", "<p>Sorry, but watchlists are currently disabled on $settings->sitename. Contact your moderators to learn - their details are at the bottom of every page.</p>"));
if(!$env->is_logged_in) {
header("x-status: failed");
header("x-problem: not-logged-in");
exit(page_renderer::render_main("Not logged in - $settings->sitename", "<p>Only logged in users can have watchlists. Try <a href='?action=login&amp;returnto=".rawurlencode("?action=watchlist-edit&do=$do&returnto=$returnto")."'>logging in</a>.</p>"));
if(empty($env->user_data->emailAddress)) {
header("x-status: failed");
header("x-problem: no-email-address-in-user-preferences");
exit(page_renderer::render_main("No email address specified -$settings->sitename", "<p>You are logged in, but have not specified an email address to send notifications to. Try specifying one in your <a href='?action=user-preferences'>user preferences</a> and then coming back here.</p>"));
// If the watchlist doesn't exist, create it
// Note that saving this isn't essential - so we don't bother unless we perform some other action too.
if(!isset($env->user_data->watchlist) || !is_array($env->user_data->watchlist))
$env->user_data->watchlist = [];
switch($do) {
case "add":
if(empty($pageindex->{$env->page})) {
header("x-status: failed");
header("x-problem: page-not-found-on-wiki");
exit(page_renderer::render_main("Page not found - Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>Oops! The page name <em>".htmlentities($env->page)."</em> couldn't be found on $settings->sitename. Try <a href='?action=edit&page=".rawurlencode($env->page)."'>creating it</a> and trying to add it to your watchlist again!</p>"));
if(in_array($env->page, $env->user_data->watchlist)) {
header("x-status: failed");
header("x-problem: watchlist-page-already-present");
exit(page_renderer::render_main("Already on watchlist - Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>The page with the name <em>".htmlentities($env->page)."</em> is already on your watchlist, so it can't be added again.</p>"));
// Add the new page to the watchlist
$env->user_data->watchlist[] = $env->page;
// Sort the list
$collator = new Collator("");
$collator->sort($env->user_data->watchlist, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE);
// Save back to disk
case "remove":
$index = array_search($env->page, $env->user_data->watchlist);
if($index === false) {
header("x-status: failed");
header("x-problem: watchlist-item-not-found");
exit(page_renderer::render_main("Watchlist item not found - Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>Oops! The page with the name <em>".htmlentities($env->page)."</em> isn't currently on your watchlist, so it couldn't be removed. Perhaps you already removed it?</p>
<p>Try going <a href='?action=watchlist'>back to your watchlist</a>.</p>"));
array_splice($env->user_data->watchlist, $index, 1);
case "clear":
$env->user_data->watchlist = [];
header("x-status: failed");
header("x-problem: watchlist-do-verb-not-recognised");
header("content-type: text/plain");
exit("Error: The do verb '$do' wasn't recognised. Current verbs supported: add, remove, clear");
$message = "Your watchlist was updated successfully.";
if(!empty($returnto)) {
header("x-status: success");
header("location: $returnto");
$message .= " <a href='".htmlentities($returnto)."'>Click here</a> to return to your previous page.";
$message .= " <a href='javascript:history.back();'>Go back</a> to your previous page, or <a href='?action=watchlist'>review your watchlist</a>.</a>";
exit(page_renderer::render_main("Watchlist update successful", "<p>$message</p>"));
if(!module_exists("page-edit")) {
error_log("[module/feature-watchlist] Note: Without the page-edit module, the feature-watchlist module doesn't make much sense. If you don't want anonymous people to edit your wiki, try the 'anonedits' setting.");
return false;
register_save_preprocessor(function($indexentry, $new_data, $old_data) {
global $version, $commit, $env, $settings;
$usernames = [];
foreach($settings->users as $username => $user_data) {
// Skip if this is the user that made the edit
if($username == $env->user)
// If the user's watchlist is empty, then there's no point in checking it
// If it's not in the watchlist, then we shouldn't send an email
if(!in_array($env->page, $user_data->watchlist))
$usernames[] = $username;
$chars_changed = strlen($new_data) - strlen($old_data);
$chars_changed_text = ($chars_changed < 0 ? "removes " : "adds ") . "$chars_changed characters";
2020-01-05 20:48:55 +00:00
$url_stem = url_stem();
"{$env->page} was updated by {$env->user} - $settings->sitename",
"Hey there!
{$env->page} was updated by {$env->user} at ".render_timestamp(time(), true, false).", which $chars_changed_text.
View the latest revision here: {$url_stem}?page=".rawurlencode($env->page)."
---------- New page text ----------
--$settings->sitename, powered by Pepperminty Wiki $version-".substr($commit, 0, 7)."
(P.S. Don't reply to this email, because it may not recieve a reply. Instead try contacting $settings->admindetails_name at $settings->admindetails_email, who is $settings->sitename's administrator if you have any issues.)