using System; using System.Reflection; using System.IO; using System.Net.Configuration; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace SBRL.Utilities { /// /// A collection of static methods for manipulating embedded resources. /// /// /// v0.3, by Starbeamrainbowlabs >< /// Last updated 8th August 2016. /// Licensed under MPL-2.0. /// /// Changelog: /// v0.1 (25th July 2016): /// - Initial release. /// v0.2 (8th August 2016): /// - Changed namespace. /// v0.3 (21st January 2017): /// - Added GetRawReader() /// public static class EmbeddedFiles { /// /// An array of the filenames of all the resources embedded in the calling assembly. /// /// The resource list. public static string[] ResourceList { get { return Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames(); } } public static string GetResourceListText() { StringWriter result = new StringWriter(); result.WriteLine("Files embedded in {0}:", Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName().Name); foreach (string filename in ResourceList) result.WriteLine(" - {0}", filename); return result.ToString(); } /// /// Writes a list of embedded resources to the Console's standard output. /// public static void WriteResourceList() { Console.WriteLine(GetResourceListText()); } /// /// Gets a StreamReader attached to the specified embedded resource. /// /// The filename of the embedded resource to get a StreamReader of. /// A StreamReader attached to the specified embedded resource. public static StreamReader GetReader(string filename) { return new StreamReader(GetRawReader(filename)); } /// /// Gets a raw Stream that's attached to the specified embedded resource. /// Useful when you want to copy an embedded resource to some other stream. /// /// The path to the embedded resource. /// A raw Stream object attached to the specified file.. public static Stream GetRawReader(string filename) { return Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(filename); } /// /// Gets the specified embedded resource's content as a byte array. /// /// The filename of the embedded resource to get conteent of. /// The specified embedded resource's content as a byte array. public static byte[] ReadAllBytes(string filename) { // Referencing the Result property will block until the async method completes return ReadAllBytesAsync(filename).Result; } /// /// Gets the specified embedded resource's content as a byte array asynchronously. /// /// The filename of the embedded resource to get conteent of. /// The specified embedded resource's content as a byte array. public static async Task ReadAllBytesAsync(string filename) { using (Stream resourceStream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(filename)) using (MemoryStream temp = new MemoryStream()) { await resourceStream.CopyToAsync(temp); return temp.ToArray(); } } /// /// Gets all the text stored in the specified embedded resource. /// /// The filename to fetch the content of. /// All the text stored in the specified embedded resource. public static string ReadAllText(string filename) { using (StreamReader resourceReader = new StreamReader(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(filename))) { return resourceReader.ReadToEnd(); } } /// /// Gets all the text stored in the specified embedded resource asynchronously. /// /// The filename to fetch the content of. /// All the text stored in the specified embedded resource. public static async Task ReadAllTextAsync(string filename) { using (StreamReader resourceReader = new StreamReader(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(filename))) { return await resourceReader.ReadToEndAsync(); } } /// /// Enumerates the lines of text in the specified embedded resource. /// /// The filename of the embedded resource to enumerate. /// An IEnumerator that enumerates the specified embedded resource. public static IEnumerator EnumerateLines(string filename) { using (StreamReader resourceReader = new StreamReader(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(filename))) { string nextLine; while ((nextLine = resourceReader.ReadLine()) != null) { yield return nextLine; } } } /// /// Enumerates the lines of text in the specified embedded resource asynchronously. /// Each successive call returns a task that, when complete, returns the next line of text stored /// in the embedded resource. /// /// The filename of the embedded resource to enumerate. /// An IEnumerator that enumerates the specified embedded resource. public static IEnumerable> EnumerateLinesAsync(string filename) { using (StreamReader resourceReader = new StreamReader(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(filename))) { while (!resourceReader.EndOfStream) { yield return resourceReader.ReadLineAsync(); } } } /// /// Gets all the lines of text in the specified embedded resource. /// You might find EnumerateLines(string filename) more useful depending on your situation. /// /// The filename to obtain the lines of text from. /// A list of lines in the specified embedded resource. public static List GetAllLines(string filename) { // Referencing the Result property will block until the async method completes return GetAllLinesAsync(filename).Result; } /// /// Gets all the lines of text in the specified embedded resource asynchronously. /// /// The filename to obtain the lines of text from. /// A list of lines in the specified embedded resource. public static async Task> GetAllLinesAsync(string filename) { List lines = new List(); IEnumerable> lineIterator = EnumerateLinesAsync(filename); foreach (Task nextLine in lineIterator) { lines.Add(await nextLine); } return lines; } } }