"use strict"; import { WebSocketStates, ReverseWebSocketStates } from './Utilities/WebSocketStates'; const EventEmitter = require("event-emitter-es6"); class RippleLink extends EventEmitter { constructor(inSocketUrl, inBoardWindow) { super(); this.socketUrl = inSocketUrl; this.boardWindow = inBoardWindow; this.settings = this.boardWindow.settings; // Create the websocket and commect to the server this.websocket = new WebSocket(this.socketUrl, [ this.settings.WebsocketProtocol ]); this.websocket.addEventListener("open", this.handleConnection.bind(this)); this.websocket.addEventListener("message", this.handleMessage.bind(this)); this.websocket.addEventListener("close", this.handleDisconnection.bind(this)); // Respond to heartbeats from the server this.on("Heartbeat", this.handleHeartbeat.bind(this)); this.on("Error", this.handleErrorMessage.bind(this)); // Close the socket correctly window.addEventListener("beforeunload", (function(event) { this.websocket.close(); }).bind(this)); } handleConnection(event) { console.info("[ripple link] Established connection successfully."); // Tell everyone about it this.emit("connect", event); } handleDisconnection(event) { console.error("[ripple link] Lost connection."); delete this.boardWindow.sidebar.querySelector(".connection-indicator").dataset.connected; this.emit("disconnect", event); } handleMessage(event) { // Decode the message form the server var message = JSON.parse(event.data); console.debug(message.Event, message); // Pass it on to the board manager by triggering the appropriate event this.emit(message.Event, message); } handleErrorMessage(message) { console.error(message.Message); } /** * Replies to heartbeat messages from the server. */ handleHeartbeat(message) { // Reply with a heartbeat this.send({ "Event": "Heartbeat" }); } /** * Sends a message object to the server. */ send(message) { if(this.websocket.readyState !== WebSocketStates.ready) { console.error(`Attempt to send data on the RippleLink when it is not ready (state ${ReverseWebSocketStates[this.websocket.readyState]})`); return false; } this.websocket.send(JSON.stringify(message)); return true; } } export default RippleLink;